Forum Replies Created
Hi HandySolo,
Thank you very much for the help. However, my intentions were to hack up some php/sql to query directly from the database of different tables and get the information that way….
I believe the solutions you pointed out parses the XML files [feeds]… but querying the database would be something I am looking for…
can you please help HandySolo? or any other gurus out there?
Thank you once again…
-LRForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Highlighting a TabThank you miklb! ??
I will start on it! and will keep you updated…
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Highlighting a Tabbump please?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Forums for wordpress@carnold:
thank you for your help. If I go in the Vanilla direction, I will definitely mail you.-LR
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Forums for wordpressHi moshu & HandySolo,
Thank you very much for your help ??
I am sorry about not searching before I posted. Will not happen again. Thank you once again.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Multiple WP installs, same login for each?Hi Kafkaesqui, yes. That solved it.
But might have conflicts such as you mentioned…. hopefully none will popup.
thanks for your help and effort. you do a great job helping ??
Happy holidays! Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year! ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Multiple WP installs, same login for each?Hi Kafkaesqui,
By adding this line:
define(‘CUSTOM_USER_META_TABLE’, ‘wp_usermeta’);it makes things worse… the admin account then gets the same message as the test user.
Interesting thing to note:
If I go into the admin interface, and then to “Users” and then to “Authors and Users” and create a test user from here, call it “test1” and then login with that name, it works just fine on the blog site it was created on.on the other blog site, the same user “test1” gets the error message “you do not have sufficient…”
Now, when I log into the other blog site (where the newly created user does not work) and go to Users–>Authors and Users and look to the list of all users, the interesting thing is, “test1” user is listed separately from the other “subscribers” users.
If I edit test1’s status and change it to subscriber, I can then login using “test1” without any problems.
the blog which creates a new user, enters correct information in the SQL table for “Membership Type” (Subscriber in our case) but this same information appears differently in the admin area for the other blog.-LR
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Multiple WP installs, same login for each?Furthermore,
I tested some more and found out that test user created using the second blog gets the same error message: “you do not have sufficient….” while logging into the first blog.
What to do?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Multiple WP installs, same login for each?Ehhh.
Darn it! Looks like I am back to square one!
Doing it the way Kafkaesqui suggested (by editing wp-config.php or wp-settings.php) only allows “admin” account to login.
Here’s how to replicate this:
Install another WP blog (in the same database), then either edit wp-config.php using this thread:
or edit wp-settings.php using this thread: login to your second blog (the one that you just created) using your admin account. You will see that it works. Good. Now, log out and login to your second blog again using one of the “test” users you created with the first blog. See the difference?
It basically errors out saying:
You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.
but it works just fine for the admin account. I am sure there is a one line tweak for this in root/wp-admin/profile.php page but what?
I say this with confidence because it works for the admin account… why not for regular users account, right?
Any thoughts Kafkaesqui?
-LRForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Multiple WP installs, same login for each?“And while we’re goofing off, I’d love to see this thread switched to “resolved.” ;)”
Done ??
“Heh…. sometimes goofing off is the best part of the day….”
I second that ??-LR
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Multiple WP installs, same login for each?hahahahaha! nevermind! <please ignore my last post>
-LRForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Multiple WP installs, same login for each?“Didn’t you learn how to read with your head turned 90 degrees?”
call me slow, but I did not get that ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Multiple WP installs, same login for each?Hi vkaryl,
Thanks happy blogging and holidays to you too! (and to the rest of this very good WP community.)Yes, I am very happy that I found a way to get this to work the way I intended for it to, thanks ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Multiple WP installs, same login for each?Hi, Kafkaesqui!
[Moderated: “code” above fixed by one who a thing or ‘too’ (sic)]
Shouldn’t it be:
[Moderated: “code” above fixed by one who knows a thing or ‘too’ (sic)]
Thanks, once again ??
We seriously need to add smilies to the forum feature…. conveys the message better ??Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Multiple WP installs, same login for each?umm… i haven’t gotten the hang of the markup of wordpress forums, even though I edited my previous post (look above) like 20 times already, but if you are curious: DO NOT add the “code” tags into your wp-config.php file. It’s the line in between the code tags that you are going to add. Just refer to the first link in my post above to be clear on what I am saying ??
again, sorry for the confusion.