Forum Replies Created

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  • Try to add margin-bottom to #acess

    Add “background:#fff;” to the class “contentArea”.

    Thread Starter Linosa


    I used that code on my template (not really sure what it’s function is though?) but the older entries still ain’t working.

    Thread Starter Linosa


    I’ve tried everything now, but I don’t understand what possibly can be wrong. Any ideas?

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Calendar for the blog
    Thread Starter Linosa


    But I mean, like change if it’s gonna show only one category ect.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Calendar for the blog
    Thread Starter Linosa


    Thanks. How can I customize it?

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    You probably have to mess around with sizes and so in the include-code and the css-code for “#top” aswell.

    Thread Starter Linosa


    No, I dunno why they ain’t working. Is there anyone who does?

    No, you have to place it in the html-code.

    Thread Starter Linosa


    I got the permalinks to work!

    I think you should place it in the #top tag.

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