12 years, 6 months ago
please, use wp_get_post_terms( $post_id, $taxonomy, $args )
where $taxonomy is current post’s taxonomy name. this is not always categories. Please, make sure the name of taxonomies for that post.
Please, use remove admin bar or adminise plugin. You can change login using .htaccess
Why don’t you use this? `$feild_var = 21; $wpdb->get_results(“SELECT * FROM wp_posts WHERE field= “. $feild_var);
Please, use wp_get_post_terms( $post_id, $taxonomy, $args );
12 years, 7 months ago
This is likely that you don’t have permission for this. Please, make sure you’ve admin user privileges.
There can be as many list items in menu as you want. use wp_page_menu to list pages at menu.
You might not have permission for this action, please, make sure that you’re logged in as admin user.
Please, make sure that you’re not using default “admin” as admin user. There can be several assumptions on penetration.
You’ll have to edit the theme or plugin
Sorry, I thought you’ve fixed it. Please, make sure that you’re logged in as admin user, visit /wp-admin/plugins.php
Nothing Attached
Hmmm. No!
Please, see this example
$terms = get_terms('species'); echo '<ul>'; foreach ($terms as $term) { echo '<li><a href="'.get_term_link($term->slug, 'species').'">'.$term->name.'</a></li>'; } echo '</ul>';
I think some kind of plugin is hiding this. Can you please, send me the snapshot of settings menu (expanded), so, I can suggest something.
Please, go to appearance>editor menu Here you can find the theme back-end files, area of your interest will probably be in header.php, clue only, but, this is not necessary.