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Hi Cais,
I am a pro member so should I email someone directly about this?
And yes I have just tried to Delete Tags, Clear all possible Cache, then import metadata.
Hi Cais,
Have tried that procedure:
Manage Galleries
– Select Gallery
– Select Images in Galleries
– Delete Tags (Pop Up with Box to type in tags to delete)
– Type in Name of Tag
– Delete
– Select Same images again
– Import Metadata
– Same Tags show even tho when I press on the Meta of the image, it clear shows a different tag.Could this be a bug in the code or am I doing something wrong? In the Meta of the Image in NGG, there is Keywords in the Meta Data Part, but if you scroll down into the XMP Data, I clearly shows the different keywords.
When I Download that same image, in Lightroom, it shows the different Keywords so not sure why NGG doesn’t work properly.
Hi Cais,
when you say delete the tags out of the images, do you mean to reupload the images with no tags, refresh, then reupload the same images but with the tags and then refresh metadata?
Because I have already tried to delete the tags via Manage tags, then Import new Metadata but the old tags came back so my thought was there was some sort of cache. I found the Cache and cleared it then did the same thing. So the only option is to delete the images in the galleries and to “Scan Folder” for new images…
Which will take a long time.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Remove Admin Bar for all UsersHi Jose,
Looks like it is a theme related problem. Have contacted the theme developer. Can a theme prevent the admin bar from being hidden tho?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Remove Admin Bar for all UsersHi Jose,
Have tried that but no luck. Do you think of changing the core code to remove the admin bar is a good idea?
Hi Cais,
I was looking for more of a permanent solution. There must be a oiece of code where instead of “home_url() or site_url()” I can manually changr that to the main site.
Any help on this guys?
Update: So for anyone who is having the same problems as I am, here is a quick fix until I get something solid from Photocrati.
Problem: If you have a WP Multisite Installation and have a base folder. EG: – Base Site – /images – Base Folder. I did not want to use
as I wanted to use my other ecommerce plugins to locate the files faster etc.
Problem is when you have a base folder, all subdirectory wordpress sites will start looking for their own files eg: Base –, would look for files within, would look for files within
So to get around this, you need to add this to wp-config:
define( 'NGG_IMPORT_ROOT', '*server to base folder path' );
Then have a redirect from every multisite you have:
redirect /site1/images/ https://*your base domain*/images/
All galleries will now point to your base directory. Hope this helps.
Is there any fix for this?
Edit: Ok so I have an idea as to why this might be happening.
In my config file, I have this
define( 'NGG_IMPORT_ROOT', dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/' );
Which points to the directory of the current wordpress install or home base? So in this case since it is a multisite installation.
Where the core files are installed is on and when multisite is on, all other sites are like this.
So does that mean, that code I put in wp-config is calling for the directory of since multisite makes it look like this is the Directory name for the multisite?
Hi Benny,
The last tip was to help with the Import Directory problem you are having with your NextGen Folder Import. Does this not also work?
Hi Benny,
Try this solution that worked for me on another issue that Cais has suggested.
Add this into your wp-config.php file
define('NGG_IMPORT_ROOT', dirname(__FILE__) . '/');
Let me know how you go.
Ok So after a bit of tinkering and just figuring things out. Looks like that since my image folders are held on the root of the server ie:
Since it is also a Multisite and the galleries are located on site two ie:
Main Site:
Site 2: thumbs url is: etc.
Where as all the media and thumbs is supposed to be: etc.
Is there a way to get rid of the subdomain in the code?
Hi Cais,
Ok thank you for your help, I will see if I can look into a workaround here and will update with the solution for anyone who is also having the same issues as I am.
Thank You
Hi Cais.
Perfect! Works like a charm. Would you like me to continue writing the Report Bug?
That piece of code with just a minor adjustment (Edited gallery path from / to /media/images/ for faster Importing) works. However, a new but small issue rises, the folders itself does not have any hyphens and uses spaces in between words. This makes the thumbnails not link properly to the folder and shows as a broken image, all thumbnails within the folder if download has been properly processed however.
I do not think I would like to rename all the folders to include hyphens, I remember in Legacy tho that I removed a piece of code that was something like “dirty url” or along those lines.
Thank You
Hi, Ok to start off with:
Brand new Multisite with the Latest WP installation, Nextgen was just added via “Add New Plugin” button on the Main Network site and enabled network wide.
I am the Super Admin, I have full access to backend and front end, all media folders are either 755 or 777 permissions. All site upload path and url is : media/images/ &
All nextgen upload directories is media/images/. They are all standardised configurations. I have tried to upload a single image via “Add new Gallery/Images” and selected a folder then dragged and dropped the image, it uploads exactly as everything was set up too do but I already have ALL images uploaded onto the server via FTP. There is no way to scan the folders or import them using the “Import Folder” tab as there is no folders to select.
Will definitely report a bug but would like this have a small solution or some work around soon as will be working on this all weekend. Also I wish not to use the Manual Drag & Drop uploader as I need to select each gallery then drop the files in. have roughly 10gb worth of images.