14 years, 1 month ago
Mhh, maybe someone is reading this post and can help.
I think it’s more than just rename it. I think all files must be edited and the wp- tags should be removed. But maybe someone already done it. So much sites got that already on their servers running without wp tags.
Please help!
esmi, you’re a hero! thanks alot, buddy! ??
Yeh, it works! Thanks alot, buddy! ??
which one? the complete code i’ve posted?
i already posted a post but it’s still there… i dont know what is the problem… :/
no, sorry… it’s still there… :/
i think it’s the right file (header.php), right?
Thanks for your answer!
There is
<?php if($catid) { $catid = get_sub_categories($catid,'string'); wp_list_categories ('title_li=&depth=0&include=' . $catid . '&sort_column=menu_order'); } ?>
What should i remove?