8 years, 12 months ago
9 years, 1 month ago
The feature has been implemented. Download updated plugin from and extract to /wp-content/plugins/likebtn-like-button/ replacing existing files.
Configure bbPress replies sorting on the Settings tab of the plugin.
If it is possible the feature will be implemented. We will inform you.
VirusTotal was taking the following piece of code for a threat: <?php _e('Enable synchronization of likes from system into your database to:', LIKEBTN_I18N_DOMAIN); ?>
<?php _e('Enable synchronization of likes from system into your database to:', LIKEBTN_I18N_DOMAIN); ?>
The issue has been fixed. Download the updated plugin from extract to /wp-content/plugins/likebtn-like-button/ replacing existing files.
What kind of message are they showing? Could you please send them to [email protected]
Epoch comments support has been added to the Like Button plugin.
You can download updated translation files here:
9 years, 2 months ago
The issue has been fixed. Just download updated version from and extract to /wp-content/plugins/likebtn-like-button/ replacing existing files.
Hi, which WP theme are you using?
We do hope you’ve managed to find a solution. Enjoy!
Thank you! We will take it into account.
Could you please provide your custom post type configuration. Have you entered account data on Settings tab?