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Ah I see. Doing this for the hard-coded test php script would definitely fix this particular case.
Of course this solution needs to be applied for the real use case where the password will be whatever the user types in. Most certainly they will not automatically care about escaping any chars in their password…
I did some research myself and it seems that wp_slash(password) should do the trick. Could be interesting for anyone who has this kind of problem.It remains kind of “odd” that WordPress does not store your password EXACTLY the way you typed it in but decides to add some characters to it. Of course you never notice it while staying in the same ecosystem but when calling from external this is….strange.
This should also be in the documentation! Reading about logging in, checking password, etc it says nothing about “Hey you should escape the provided password because we do it too on registration”
Hey, thank you for your quick response! =)
I’m aware of the fact, that this is not how you log a user in. It’s just about checking a provided password for a specific user.
Nevertheless this workflow is reproducable for me and does not work:
Create new user on homepage -> Choose any username -> Choose passwordA*B”C§D3E^F
-> Providing wp_authenticate() with data -> Error (wrong password)This workflow does not work either:
Create new user on homepage -> Choose any username -> Choose any password -> Change password toA*B”C§D3E^F
-> Providing wp_authenticate() with data -> Error (wrong password)EDIT: Here is the code I am using, maybe I am doing something wrong?
?php require_once("wp-includes/class-phpass.php"); require_once("wp-load.php"); $user = 'Testorino'; $pass = 'A*B"C§D3E^F'; $hash = '$P$BkzuqC7u7VcELPtIrI7oB2Pa8cdX4J0'; print_r("user: " . $user . "</br>"); print_r("pass: " . $pass . "</br>"); print_r("hash: " . $hash . "</br>"); print_r("</br>"); print_r("</br>"); $wp_hasher = new PasswordHash( 8, true ); $checkPass_phpass = $wp_hasher->CheckPassword($pass, $hash); print_r("Check with -phpass-: " . $checkPass_phpass . "</br>"); if($checkPass) { print_r("checkpass TRUE <br>"); } else { print_r("checkpass NULL or FALSE! <br>"); } print_r("-----------------------------------</br>"); $checkPass_WP = wp_check_password($pass, $hash); print_r("Check with -wp_check_password-: " . $checkPass_WP . "</br>"); if($checkPass_WP) { print_r("checkpass_WP TRUE </br>"); } else { print_r("checkpass_WP NULL or FALSE! </br>"); } print_r("-----------------------------------</br>"); $check_WPAUTH = wp_authenticate($user, $pass); if(is_wp_error( $check_WPAUTH )) { print_r("Check with -wp_authenticate-: WRONG! </br>"); print_r($check_WPAUTH->get_error_message() . "</br>"); } else { print_r("heck with -wp_authenticate-: CORRECT! </br>"); } print_r("-----------------------------------</br>"); $creds = array( 'user_login' => $user, 'user_password' => $pass, 'remember' => false ); $user = wp_signon( $creds, false ); if ( is_wp_error( $user ) ) { print_r("check with -wp_signon-: FAILED! </br>"); print_r($user->get_error_message()); } else { print_r("check with -wp_signon-: SUCCESS!</br>"); } ?>