Forum Replies Created
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WordPress Database Backup Plugin – epic failesmi, I wanted to report that the HelpDesk at my ISP was able to restore the posts to my blog, and the 21 pages. They reported:”We wound up having to pull the backup and swap out that copy of the database for the one that was in place. The index could not be rebuilt on the bad posts table, even after going through all our bag of tricks. I did run an optimize on the restored database, just to make sure we’re starting from a clean slate.”
So, everything is ok for now! And I WILL be backing up my db now, at least once a week!
– Randy
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WordPress Database Backup Plugin – epic failHello esmi, and thank you for replying. I have done none of these yet, but have forwarded your post to my ISP HelpDesk, which is working on the problem at the moment. I don’t want to try anything until I hear back from them.
Again, thank you for these suggestions. I will definitely return to this pending a reply from my ISP.
Kind regards,
RandyForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WordPress Database Backup Plugin – epic fail.: I must report that I heard from the creator of the WordPress Database Backup Plugin, who noted the following:
Hello Randy,
I’m sorry to hear that you’re having trouble with your blog. You can
rest assured that the database backup plugin does not make any changes to your database, so it could not be the cause of your losing any data.Please note that the problem mentioned at the link above is not
related to yours. That person was saying the *backup files*–the
ones emailed out–were empty, not the blog itself. If your WordPress
site has actually lost all its posts, it could *not* be caused by the
plugin. Perhaps your site has been attacked, or you have some other
problem. Did you upgrade any other themes or plugins recently? Have
you upgraded to the latest version of WordPress? Are there any error
messages at all?Regards,
So now I am worried that my site was hacked or attacked. ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: B = STRONG and I = EM…. Why ?I noticed this happening today. You choose the Bold button, and it CAPITALIZES and BOLDS your word. You choose Italics, and it bolds your word in whatever case it is in. What a mess. I tried it from the HTML editor, makes no difference. I wonder if WP plans a fix soon?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Blank screen when I click publishI did the same – I disabled all my plugins, and then reactivated them one at a time. What’s weird is that when I did that, I was able to post, even after all four I am currently using were reactivated. I’m using:
Akismet, Hello Dolly (why not?), Spam Karma 2, and wpLicence.
So after much digging and minor agony, I seem to be able to post successfully to WP 2.5.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Max file size how to controlI did the following, as per theZman, above:
make a file called ” .htaccess “
insert these values useing, say, text edit…
php_value post_max_size 110M
php_value upload_max_filesize 100M
php_value memory_limit 32MI still could not upload anything, so I tried copying the following code into .htacess, as per Otto42’s advice here:
8. mod_security might be causing problems. Disable it to see if that is the problem. To do this, make an .htaccess file in your wp-admin directory. Add this to it:
<IfModule mod_security.c>
SecFilterEngine Off
SecFilterScanPOST Off
That will disable it for the entire wp-admin directory. It’s possible to be more specific about it, this is just a quick and easy test to see if mod_security is causing your issues.The combination of both appears to have worked.
Problem is, when I try to save a post, I get a blank screen!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: can’t upload imagesFor me, I cannot upload, I get the same HTTP error, and the “An error occurred in the upload. Please try again later” message. My “Gallery” stays at 0, and there is no indication anything uploaded.
My Flash is the latest version, 9, I upgraded to it.
This is incredibly frustrating.
I’ve bounced around the forums for an hour at work trying to solve this, with no success. Even worse, I can’t see where in 2.5 we are able to upload non-media files, like documents, .pdfs, .ppts, etc. Has anyone figured out how to do that?
– Randy
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Visual Editor Doesn’t WorkWell, there ya be, there ya be … I found the answer in another thread, which is that one must go to one’s profile and turn ON the Visual Editor. *sigh* To do so is SO non-intuitive. WP People – please move this option to the actual Write Post area…please?
Anyway, back to the grind.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: no visual text editor after installing wp 2.5Actually, I wonder how many of us “noobs” are out there? If I hadn’t found this thread, I’m still be pulling the (remaining) hair out of my head, trying to determine how to turn on the Visual Editor. I think it’s a mistake to put it in our profiles – who would think to look there? Well, duh! Thank you to my fellow noobs for mentioning here where to find it. I feel less noobish now.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Visual Editor Doesn’t WorkRegarding the visual editor for 2.5, I can’t even see it. My Write Window options end with the “Add Media” buttons. How does one turn on or find the visual editor? Argh!
Thank you.
Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: “Edit” and “Preview” – where did the arrows/buttons go?.: Agreed. I can’t find any documentation about this apparent decision, and really can’t understand why these functions are gone from 2.1. Why mess with something that isn’t broken?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: 2.0.2->2.0.4 — Quick Tags still the same, no change.: Oh crap…spencerp, you were right, the button on the User Profile wasn’t checked, when I checked it, it turned on the RTE.
Both of you are too kind to me. I stand embarrassed to admit that I’ve been blogging for 4.5 years, have used Blogger, MT, Typepad, and WP, and have published papers on blogging in journals related to my profession (librarianship). Embarrassed may be too weak a word, actually…
Thank you again for your help. I’m taking down the two QT images I previously uploaded. moshu, I’m going to take your – er – observation to heart, and shorten the length of my page. (That would be under Options – Reading?)
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: 2.0.2->2.0.4 — Quick Tags still the same, no change.: I apologize for the problems I am causing here, I didn’t mean to do that. I don’t understand why the images did not appear. I deleted them from my server, uploaded them again, they are visible to me in FF and IE, but within the Forum at least one of them doesn’t load; I have no idea why that happens. The last thing I want to do is upset anyone in the WP Forums, especially moderators. May I (sheepishly) ask what RTE means?
I loaded the two images here: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: 2.0.2->2.0.4 — Quick Tags still the same, no change.: Please try again, I am able to see both images now. Can you see my main page, ?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: 2.0.2->2.0.4 — Quick Tags still the same, no change.: Oops, sorry, I’ll try to fix this right now.