Forum Replies Created
Ok, thanks. I sent it and was recorded under the ticket 2034
Thanks for your answer. The file is saved as CSV UFG 8 Encoded. What I can analyze is that it correctly imports the items that do not include special characters, but the plugin do not import those that have accents or ?.
I will highly appreciate your help
Eva, still waiting for your assistance, I shall insist that product category configuration was working perfectly with version 3.7.8
Eva, I really need your help, when can we make a live call so you can verify what is going on!
Thanks for your assistance
Hi Eva, I just created a totally new Feed, and did not set up anything category mapping, just let all of them blank, the feed processed perfectly, download it and shows all the products. However as soon as I set up a category in the category mapping, the feed does not work anymore.
Thanks a lot for your help
Hi Eva, yes I have attribute and category mapping as the 2 links you sent me.
Product Mapping was working perfectly with version 3.7.8. However with the update to 3.8, the feed is not working at all, I hit on the “Manually Refresh Product Feed”, then “Download”, and the file only has the column header, but not a single product shows up. This was not happening before, something went wrong with the new version released.
I will appreciate your help
I tried, but shows the following error, for all the items! Still the product category does not work!
This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.
<rss xmlns:g=”https://base.google.com/ns/1.0″ version=”2.0″>
<title>Google Shopping Feed 112018</title>
WooCommerce Product Feed PRO – This product feed is created with the free Advanced WooCommerce Product Feed PRO plugin from AdTribes.io. For all your support questions check out our FAQ on https://www.adtribes.io or e-mail to: [email protected]
<g:title>Tarjeta de Regalo C</g:title>
<g:description>Válida para todas las compras en tienda virtual!</g:description>
<g:availability>in stock</g:availability>
<g:price>COP 70000</g:price>
<g:title>Tarjeta Regalo B</g:title>
<g:description>Válida para todas las compras en la tienda virtual</g:description>
<g:image_link>Hi there!
1. Product Mapping was working perfectly with version 3.7.8. However today I updated to 3.8 and the feed is not working at all, does not even process it. How can I go back to the prior version, or can you fix it promptly, my feed is now empty so no products are syncronizing with Google Shopping
2. Before november 9, the feed was being procesed fine, but since that date, it turns out that the commas inside the product description, is causing to split the fields and create another column, therefore producing errors when moving the data to Google Shopping
Thanks for your super fast answer. Is it necessary to use Yoast SEO? I am using All in one SEO.
Juancho, como? Que hay que hacer?
Saul, buenas tardes, veo que hay una actualización de hace 3 días. Este tema quedó solucionado con la actualización? Gracias