Luke Gedeon
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Yoast SEO] Highlighting for transition words is reversed.If I have a long sentence and click the eye for that, the highlight marks the sentence I need to fix.
If I have a passive sentence and click on the eye that, it also highlights the sentence I need to fix.
If I have a sentence that does not have a transition word and I click the eye for that, it does NOT highlight the sentence I need to fix. It highlights the sentences that are good.
I expect that every time I click on an eye, the sentences I need to fix will be highlighted.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [RSVPMaker] rsvpmaker_upcoming – show more than a monthI found this solution in the comments on a post on the developer’s site:
[rsvpmaker_upcoming days=”200″ posts_per_page=”50″ type=”” one=”0″ hideauthor=”0″ past=”0″ no_events=”We are setting up service opportunities now. Check back soon.”]
I took a look at the link and used the Full Text RSS Feeds Demo to verify that the full-content doesn’t pull in the featured image from posts on On this site the image is outside entry-content, so I can see how it might fool your algorithm.
I am fairly handy with action hooks and filters. Is there a way that I can adjust your algorithm to find images in this case?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [seoslides] Problem with W3 Total CacheFor anyone else watching this thread:
W3 Total Cache has an option to automatically minify and concatenate javascript. However, it forces all scripts into the header. Many scripts including the one used by seoslides are designed to be loaded in the footer. As a temporary fix, switching to manual minify or disabling minify fixes the conflict. We are working with W3 Total Cache to make the script load correctly even in auto mode.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [seoslides] Problem with W3 Total CacheHi Jim,
We have fixed the “<title>” issue in the upcoming 1.2 release.
I have a pretty good idea how we might be able to fix W3 Total Cache too. I would like to test against your specific scenario, but I haven’t been able to reproduce it on a local server.
Would you be willing to export your W3 Total Cache settings and send them over?
Go to and click the Download button next to “Export configuration:”.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Floating Social Bar] Tweet counter always at 0I noticed on that $post is being referenced, but it does not appear to have been set prior to this line.
They are in the Media Library, which creates an attachment-post-type post for each image. So we are tagging the attachment post by adding a field to the media uploader.
The images are very heavily tagged so we have plenty of semantic info to work with on the image side.
The posts are not typically tagged, or at least not well. So I would have to go on post content.
So I guess the question is: If I am looking at a new post is there as function inside YARPP, that I can call (or copy and modify) that would help me find an image based on image-tags that is a good match for that new post?
The difference being that I am looking for a related image instead of a related post.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Media Libary – On upload notify if duplicate filesYou can use the code below with $ignore_path = true to test for duplicates before uploading. If this function returns the id of an attachment, use that instead of re-uploading. This is currently based on filename only but you could easily add crc to it. I will be adding an md5 check eventually and will post that at:
// get the id of attachment if filename matches // props to Rarst function get_attachment_id( $url, $ignore_path = false ) { if ( ! $ignore_path ) { $dir = wp_upload_dir(); $dir = trailingslashit($dir['baseurl']); if( false === strpos( $url, $dir ) ) return false; } $file = basename($url); $query = array( 'post_type' => 'attachment', 'fields' => 'ids', 'meta_query' => array( array( 'value' => $file, 'compare' => 'LIKE', ) ) ); $query['meta_query'][0]['key'] = '_wp_attached_file'; $ids = get_posts( $query ); foreach( $ids as $id ) { $match = array_shift( wp_get_attachment_image_src($id, 'full') ); if( $url == $match || ( $ignore_path && strstr( $match, $file ) ) ) return $id; } $query['meta_query'][0]['key'] = '_wp_attachment_metadata'; $ids = get_posts( $query ); foreach( $ids as $id ) { $meta = wp_get_attachment_metadata($id); foreach( $meta['sizes'] as $size => $values ) { if( $values['file'] == $file && ( $ignore_path || $url == array_shift( wp_get_attachment_image_src($id, $size) ) ) ) return $id; } } return false; }
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordTwit Twitter Plugin] Is WordTwit dead?Does the paid version still reference snoopy?
Uhm…. averyfisher?
DIVs are the better option. If cybersprocket’s code is better, then forking the plug-in is not a bad thing.
I just think is important to document when something is a fork.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: template_redirect and shortcodes@lerizzle have you considered using a custom page template that the user can select instead of using a short-code at all?
It would of course depend a bit on how you are using the short-codes. Perhaps a little more detail would help us find a workable solution.
Oops, I meant Store Locator. Was looking at several plug-ins at the same time.
So yours is a fork of Store Locator. Got it. Thanks.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: CubePoints Use points to spend on virtual itemsrmb98765,
Let me know if you find anything else that will do this. I am probably going to hack this to make it possible to purchase and spend points.
Other than a lot mark-up, many of my changes were localizations (removing town/village and country) and other customer preferences. They may have only limited usefulness.
One thing that might be really helpful is adding a link at the top of the registration page, and a named anchor just above the form. This is particularly useful when you have long-winded event descriptions. In /includes/event_register_attendees.php at lines 108 and 254:
<div id="skip-to-form-link"><a href="#skip-to-form">Register Now</a></div>
<a name="skip-to-form"></a>
I also wrote an alternate output for date and time for one day events. In /includes/event_register_attendees.php at 110:
<div id="event-date"><strong>Date:</strong> <?php echo event_date_display($start_date);?></div> <div id="event-time"><strong>Time:</strong> <?php echo $start_time;?> - <?php echo $end_time;?></div>