Forum Replies Created
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Visual Editor Not Working After 3.3 UpgradeI was able to get me visual editor back with the following:
1) Switch theme to Twenty Eleven
2) Edit a post (displays as white pane with red underlines)
3) Clear cache (press F5)Visual editor, tabs and buttons returned at this point in edit post mode.
4) Switch back to original theme.
5) Edit post. (all returns to normal, do the happy dance!)I did not have to deactivate the plugins for this to work.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Visual Editor Not Working After 3.3 UpgradeI don’t have any buttons in the HTML pane at all.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Visual editor is no longer showing after upgrading to 3.3I have a similar problem with losing the visual editor on two WP installations. I can see the Visual and HTML tabs but only the HTML tab / pane is active. I can’t switch to the Visual tab.
The first time I tried to edit a post the editor was on the Visual tab but the pane was blank except for some red underlines for misspelled words. I switched to the HTML tab to see what was happening and now I can’t get back to Visual tab.
I also deactivated all plugins and switched to the twentyeleven theme. No difference.
Thanks for suggestions as well!!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [HeadSpace2 SEO] [Plugin: Headspace2] Dashboard Problem After 3.2 UpgradeThe Dashboard appears to be working fine again after the HS2 upgrade this morning.
Many thanks to all!
This is my website where the error is occurring.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [HeadSpace2 SEO] [Plugin: Headspace2] Dashboard Problem After 3.2 UpgradeShould the HS2 plugin be deactivated before making the code change?
Same problem here today after SMAE update to v1.5 on WP 3.2.1
@judewordpress – where did you get the older version?
I just downloaded v3.2 (2011-03-05) and received the same syntax error.
Fixed by adding the /* as indicated above.
Hope this will be fixed in future releases.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [J Shortcodes] [Plugin: J Shortcodes] Troubles with backendI am also having problems with my widget are after upgrading to J-Shortcode 1.301.
As long as J-shortcode is activated I cannot add, remove or rearranged widgets. As soon as I deactive J-shortcode the widget area becomes workable again.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Incorrect Calendar Widget DisplayI believe I fixed the problemm with the standard calendar widget.
I changed the Timezone setting from America-Edmonton back to UTC-8 and the calendar appears to be working correctly.
I do remember I originally had the Timezone set as UTC-8 and changed it to the Edmonton setting after one of the recent WP upgrades … can’t remember which version upgrade it was.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Incorrect Calendar Widget DisplayI too am having the same problem with the standard WP calendar not working. When I create a new tab and bring up the blog the calendar appears correct. Once I move off the current month for the first time, all the dates are incorrect, even when I return to the current month.
I tried the suggestions above – auto upgrade via tools, deactivate and reactivate plugins, change first day of the week and back.
I looked at the link Frumph provided to ticket 11414 and can verify the calendar works properly when I change the timezone to Europe – London but the problem returns when I return my setting to America – Edmonton.
I am unclear what the ‘latest “bleeding edge nightly”‘ that falterago applied (last comment in ticket) to fix his problem two weeks ago. Would not doing an automatic upgrade include this fix?
Please advise what fix is supposed to be added and where. Newbie working my way through learning the code.
Much appreciated.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Alternate Key Set – How To Turn OffI did more digging and discovered it was a Firefox / Windows 7 issue (didn’t happen in IE 8).
The key sequence I pressed was Left-Shift followed by Left-Alt. That caused the switch to the alternate key mapping.
When I press Left-Shift followed by Left-Alt again the original key mappings returned so now what I intend to type is what is displayed.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Short Posts Causing “Garbage” in FeedThe new AddThis plug-in has been added … v1.5 I believe … and has corrected this problem.
The addition of parameter changes via the Settings > AddThis menu is a very welcome addition.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Short Posts Causing “Garbage” in FeedThe AddThis folks are working on a new version of the button / plugin for WP. When I find out it is available I’ll post an update.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Short Posts Causing “Garbage” in FeedNix my response from yesterday.
The AddThis code showing up in the feeds seems to “disappear” when the first paragraph is three lines or greater. The code also doesn’t appear on one post I have where the first paragraph just wraps onto a second line but there is an image that follows.
Still scratching my head.