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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Frontend Publishing] JS and CSS not loadedhi all i found one solution
function my_articlelisting_page_content() { fep_enqueue_files(true); echo do_shortcode('[fep_article_list]');//[fep_article_list] [fep_submission_form] }
you can add fep_enqueue_files(true); with your short code and this plugin will work with buddy press
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Frontend Publishing] JS and CSS not loadedI am facing the same PROBLEM PLEASE provide he solution if u found one
Wow , u are great buddy Thanks for idea
i just have
<?php $num=0; if (have_posts()) : while (have_posts()) : the_post(); $num++; ?> .... .... .... <?php echo do_shortcode('[TheChamp-Sharing style="background-color:transparent;"]'); ?> endwhile; endif;
something like the above but since i am using it in variable places + applying my JavaScript for some special effect i want to add it by default.
i have to add it by JavaScript of something ……….hi there , is there any way like using some hook or filter to add title i have tried some code but it didnt worked
function heateor_ss1( $post, $content){ return "<div class='.title' >Share with</div>".$content; } add_filter('the_champ_bypass_sharing', 'heateor_ss1', 10, 2);
also something like
function heateor_ss_disable_sharing_homepage( $content, $postUrl, $sharingType, $theChampSharingOptions, $post, $displayCount , $ext ){ //$content; $content = $theChampSharingOptions; if( empty($content) || is_null( $content ) ) { //return $content; } $doc = new DOMDocument($content); $doc->loadHTML($content); $div_content = $dom->getElementsByTagName('div'); var_dump($div_content); $div_content[0]->nodeValue .= "Share with"; $html = $doc->saveHTML(); return $html; } add_filter('the_champ_sharing_interface_filter', 'heateor_ss_disable_sharing_homepage', 10, 2);
But it seems my logic is not fitting. can u please give me some hint to do it easily.
preferably i want to put “<div class=’.title’ >Share with</div>” before facebook icon
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Pods form submit button infinitly workingThanks @bet for reminding me……..
I found that the form function is effected by tags used before i called
$mypods = pods( 'TOWN', $post_id ); echo $mypods->form();
so if anybody have some problems similar to mine please check unfinished tags used before forms.