Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Flickr Gallery] Viewing photos by dateOk, I needed to set the time too, duh!
For future reference, in case anyone needs help:
min_date_taken = 2010-02-20 00:00:00
max_date_taken = 2010-02-20 23:59:59So the plugin code looks something like this
[flickr-gallery mode=”search” user_id=’yourid’ min_date_taken=’2010-02-20 00:00:00 max_taken_date=’2010-02-20 23:59:59′ api_key=”yourkey”]
(tried with single and double quotes, same results)But there’s a mismatch between what https://www.flickr.com/services/api/explore/flickr.photos.search returns and what the plugin shows – the plugin is showing a lot more results. Using the same params, when I use the flickr.photos.search I get 10 results, when I use the plugin I get what seems to be an infinite number of results.
So I’m not sure this is resolved. Do you think this is an issue or have I done something wrong in the plugin code?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Flickr Gallery] Viewing photos by dateI think this is more of a flickr API issue – but maybe someone knows a way to make it work?
So when I enter the search criteria here https://www.flickr.com/services/api/explore/flickr.photos.search
it returns no results when I set the min and max dates to be the same day, if I remove either param it works, but I do want to restrict it by date. There must be a way of doing it… Even when I set the dates to be different, it hasn’t returned any results when I used both params. Only when I use either of them.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Flickr Gallery] Viewing photos by dateOk, reading some more – should have done it before posting here…
So I tried this
[flickr-gallery mode=”search” min_taken_date=”02/20/2010″ max_taken_date=”02/20/2010″]
(also with dates the other way around, 20/02, 20th of February, but the gallery isn’t showing up on my page).
Finally, this seems to work
[flickr-gallery mode=”search” min_taken_date=”2010/02/20″ max_taken_date=”2010/02/20″]However when I start restricting the search it doesn’t seem to work anymore
[flickr-gallery mode=”search” user_id=”14256361@N00″ min_taken_date=”2010/02/20″ max_taken_date=”2010/02/20″ api_key=”xxxx”]
I tried different values for user_id, but in the end I used the one in the settings for this app.
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Spam Master] I'm still getting a lot of spam!So here’s the final review, after such wonderful reception from whoever wrote this software:
I have two wordpress sites. I installed Spam Master on both of them. On one of the sites I got very little spam. On the other one I was getting so much I ended up disabling comments. I was getting even more spam after I installed spam master, not less.
So I followed the link to the support forum and as I can only comment if I register, so I did that. I registered here and posted my review, at the top. The reply I got was so bad, I basically felt like a criminal. I was basically accused of… I’m actually not sure what I was accused of come to think of it, but I was made to feel like I was lying.
So I’m uninstalling it and will disable comments on both sites. I was really quite shocked at the response I got, I really wasn’t expecting that. What a terrible response!!!
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Spam Master] I'm still getting a lot of spam!I gave two stars because I was hoping the customer service might be useful and that perhaps I had a setting that I could fix, arsehole.
I will uninstall plugins, from both my sites dont’t worry. And I will review again, this time with a more deserving rating and an honest appraisal. Have a day you deserve to have.
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Spam Master] I'm still getting a lot of spam!You are probably one of those coders who sits in a room all day and has absolutely no people skills whatsoever. How can you be so dimissive about someone coming to you with a real issue?
I’m a programmer too by the way, when people come to me with bugs I try and fix them, not accuse them of being spammers.
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Spam Master] I'm still getting a lot of spam!clueless idiot. I bet your free version actually brings more spam in to force people to buy it. Weird because I have it installed on another blog of mine and it works fine in there. But don’t worry, it’s not like you give a shit hey?
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Spam Master] I'm still getting a lot of spam!And yes, I will review again and give it no stars because you are a wanker.
Instead of trying to figure out why your software doesn’t work you try and makeout I’m a spammer. Worse customer service ever.
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Spam Master] I'm still getting a lot of spam!wtf is your problem??? Are you insane? I’m not a spammer you arsehole! I created the account precisely to post this here, yes, what’s wrong with that dickhead???