Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Expire User Passwords] Reset on first loginHi, @millermedianow, really appreciate your answer. I already try this plugin, this is why we search another way because it seems not compatible with WP MU or with our install.
Anyway, we continue to try a lot of combination to solve our security and legal feature about RGPD and users.Best regards. Stay safe.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [GravityStripe Subscription Manager] Subscriptions cycle endingSolved myself. Thx for support !
Bonjour, désolé pour le délai, effectivement il manquait clairement les 2 tables pour générer les bons aller/retour + les icones.
Tout est parfait.
Je vous remercie grandement pour votre sagesse.
Excellente journée.
montée à la version minimale requise. Tout est rentré dans l’ordre.
Bravo et merci.
C’est résolu.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Booster for WooCommerce] Custom EMAL – Subject html characterHello,
nobody have encounter this issue ?
best regards
à part un message à propos de Clearfy, je n’ai aucune erreur@iscpcolissimo
Je viens de vous envoyer accès admin + FTP pour afiner la recherche.
Le tout par mail.Merci pour votre investissement.
Excellente journée.
c’est exactement cela sauf que le log ne donne absolument rien sur l’action de cliquer su le bouton :
+ ajouter une tranche
ne créé pas d’erreur car il ne déclenche rien.Si c’est une requete de type AJAX, il ne fait pas l’action.
Un autre moyen de générer un log ?
J’utilise ceci via wp-config.php
define( ‘WP_DEBUG’, false );
define( ‘WP_DEBUG_LOG’, false );
define( ‘WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY’, false );
@ini_set( ‘display_errors’, 0 );Excellente journée.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Booster for WooCommerce] Custom EMAL – Subject html characterSorry i just read that html utf-8 make same here…
Then i serach a way for sobject to return parameter with ampersand correcly :
Actually mail is receive with this subject :
apikey=xxxxxxxxxx& a m p ; phonenumber& a m p ;=xxxxxxx& a m p ;sender=xxxxxxx
i put space bewteen character to not be formatted.i try %26 or unicode version or what u want… nothing work.
Any tips ?
Best regards
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Yoast SEO] Meta Title / Meta description / Yoast_indexablesSorry for daly, didn’t receive notification about answer.
Yes it’s
Duplicate Post by Enrico BattocchiMaybe i have conflict with another plugin. Anyway i will tru to continue investigation with 14.3 and send feedback.
Best regards
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Yoast SEO] Meta Title / Meta description / Yoast_indexablesHello,
sorry for delay. here we go :
Yoast Bulk editor :
Here everything is ok : all version display right information u can put
13.5/14/14.0.2/14.2From 14 / In source code meta title and meta description mismatch from previous edited info
and when u check yoast_indexable, u can identify information are not registered like what we put in Yoast Bulk edit tools.
ps / sorry i can’t go back to 14 because it’s prod website.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Yoast SEO] Meta Title / Meta description / Yoast_indexables? When i duplicate page, everything is the same as cloned page
Yoast meta included? But since 14.x, a big issue with value entered and save in bulk editor and reality in front appear. Back-office value is saving but front-office load data from the database and when u check database, it’s wrong meta like cloned meta field from an initial page.
yoast_indexables table values does not match with what we save in back office. But it show right saved information. Surprise !
Then mismatch between real value and DB value, it’s look like DB don’t receive saved data.
Best regards.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Autocomplete Google Address] Autofill Address, POstcode, City and CoutrnySame after test… support lack it seems…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Order Delivery Date for WooCommerce] Time slot / half dayHello,
I find myself.
Best regards