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  • i did everything that eatsutorials told me to do, and the script even gave me a successful completion message.

    until i went to see them in the manage screen, and *GASP*, there were only two posts there.

    i know i’m jus not doing something so very obvious to other users, otherwise the directions would have included it. but is there something i’m missing here?

    (*on edit: thanks)
    (on 2nd edit: the wordpress.php files were tagg’ed with .htm.
    however, they did import, only for some reason, i’m getting these errors (and lots of ’em):

    Warning: date() []: Windows does not support dates prior to midnight (00:00:00), January 1, 1970 in C:\apachefriends\xampp\htdocs\wordpress\wp-includes\functions.php on line 28

    there aren’t any dates prior to 1970 involved here. so why should i get such an error?

    can someone tell me what this means, (using xampp):

    Warning: file(C:\apachefriends\xampp\htdocs\wordpress/) [function.file]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in C:\apachefriends\xampp\htdocs\wordpress\wp-admin\admin-functions.php on line 938

    Warning: implode() [function.implode]: Bad arguments. in C:\apachefriends\xampp\htdocs\wordpress\wp-admin\admin-functions.php on line 938

    i was really hoping to not have perm problems, but they seem to be in my blood.

    i can’t tell you how much i appreciate your pointing me to xampp.

    thank you thank you thank you.
    you are the man (or woman)

    i just installed it, and will let ya know how it goes. i hate to feel that wordpress beat me, hence i feel compelled to get it working for some inane reason. i just really like the look of wordpress as opposed to the other engines out there.

    what is WAMP? windows authentication?

    using IIS on XP pro.

    and thanks!

    i’ve read about a hundred posts trying to find other windows users with the problem of this:

    Your PHP installation appears to be missing the MySQL which is required for WordPress.

    getting shoved down our throats. i have done some of the things that seem to have helped others, but didn’t work on my system. i’m getting frustrated with it actually. if MT is fine with php & mysql, why would wordpress be bitchy about some ‘missing database’. is this a perms issue? or an IIS issue? cuz, can’t be a database issue because IT HASN’T BEEN CREATED YET.

    sorry, but i’m pulling my hair out over this.

    i thought for sure my problem with this would have been solved by your solution, since my “check file exists” box was unchecked.

    sorry, but no cigar for you. ??

    i’m really tired of looking at all the people solving this issue and i’m still sitting with this:

    Your PHP installation appears to be missing the MySQL which is required for WordPress.

    there’s gotta be something i can do to make this go away. it’s driving me mad.

    you did what mithrandir? you commented out the part in wp-settings.php that checks for mysql? i.e. like this?
    #if ( !extension_loaded(‘mysql’) )
    # die( ‘Your PHP installation appears to be missing the MySQL which is required for WordPress.’ );

    i just get a blank page. i created wordpress catalog in mysql administrator. i don’t remember seeing in the directions that it had to be done prior to installing. either way, all i’m getting is a blank page. i’ve reinstalld php. mysql is running fine (mt loves me). so it’s wordpress who’s buckin me here.

    appreciate any assistance. thx.

    i’m getting that. and i have NO idea why, and i would have hoped someone here could have answered your question because they would probably have answered mine. as far as PHP runing properly, if MT has no problems, i would think wordpress would be hardpressed to find one with it. and mysql seems to be fine as the administrator doesn’t seem to show any concerns.

    so ya, if anybody has a clue as to what this is all about, please, please… share with us. and if slvhobbs found out what happened, i would sure like to hear from you.


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