Forum Replies Created
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: I can not access my webpage or log into wordpress to make changesAll, After spending days trying to figure our why I could not access my site….thanks to some of your responses…I have a wireless connection and the box is on a different floor of the house. I just disconnected everything and moved it to the same room as my computer and re-hooked everything back up! Drum roll please…I now can access our website!!! Thanks!!!! Everyone have a great day.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: I can not access my webpage or log into wordpress to make changesI still am unable to access my website. I have tried so many things over the last two days is there a way I can share my screen and you check my internet options to see if anything is incorrect? Or help in anyway to get it up and running again?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: I can not access my webpage or log into wordpress to make changeshow do you do this?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: I can not access my webpage or log into wordpress to make changesI still am unable to access my website. I have tried so many things over the last two days is there a way I can share my screen and you check my internet options to see if anything is incorrect? Or help in anyway to get it up and running again?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: I can not access my webpage or log into wordpress to make changesI am not sure if I am holding down the ctrl button and press the F5 key since I can not access my website. I get the following messagen now.
Oops! Internet Explorer could not connect to https://www.canuanswermyquestion.comTry reloading: https://www.-canuanswermyques-tion.-com
Additional suggestions:
?Access a cached copy of https://www.-canuanswermyques-tion.-com?Search on Google:
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: I can not access my webpage or log into wordpress to make changesThank you for responding. What if IE9 and could you give some steps on how to clear the cache, Ctrl F5 (when do I hit Ctrl F5. Thanks!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: I can not access my webpage or log into wordpress to make changesDon’t you think some details would help us help you?
> 1. How can you not access it? when I enter the url https://www.canuanswermyquestion.com I get the following message: Sorry, the website wwwcanuanswermyquestion.com cannot be found
> 2. Is there any error message? Yes, Sorry, the website wwwcanuanswermyquestion.com cannot be found
> 3. What is the error message (if there is one)? same as in 2
> 4. What was the last thing you were doing before you couldn’t access or log in? We had been working on the site all weekend. We have tried many different things to no avail. We did use system restor to undo changes back to March 2nd date.
> 5. Did you install any new plugins when it happened? I am unsure. Sorry to be so vague, we are not computer savy at all…