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  • Thread Starter leogc


    Another “short” info from me, in another live page this “trick” with phpMyAdmin is not working, i do not know why, but can not do this go around in this case.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by leogc.
    Thread Starter leogc


    I read this here:

    So i was able to activate the Plug in via phpMyAdmin as well. And the Plug in is working.

    But i see an advice on top of each AdminPage (german as i am german):

    “Seit dem 10. September 2023 hat Accuweather die freie Schnittstelle eingestellt. Bitte wechseln Sie stattdessen auf entweder Openweathermap oder Open-Meteo. Für die Verwendung von OpenWeatherMap ben?tigen Sie einen API-Schlüssel, den Sie auf nach Registrierung erhalten k?nnen. Alle Accuweather Widgets wurden automatisch auf Open-Meteo umgestellt, um Fehler und Abbrüche auf der Website zu vermeiden. Bitte überprüfen Sie die Einstellungen.”

    I klick this away with the X in th eupper right corner but as soon i reload this advice is coming back to the top. How can i stop this?

    Thread Starter leogc


    Hi @maybellyne

    ok, but what is with Twitter and Mastodon?

    Thread Starter leogc


    Hi @maybellyne well i basically do not care thet much for my Main-Website (Start Page) i more conserned about my News-Articles which alway sould show the Article Image, which works in the past very well and finde. Plese try your tests with some of the Article Pages here:

    Or this one:

    You can go ahead and check more Articles on my Website. All have the same issue…

    Thread Starter leogc


    Maybe you did not read the message correctly?

    See this line here:

    Required iMagick extension is not available. in XXX/wp-content/plugins/wp-optimize/vendor/rosell-dk/webp-convert/src/Convert/Converters/Imagick.php:44

    For this looks like that your PlugIn is trying to get something from itself in a folder which is not existing. Or i am wrong? And if so why your plug in is doing itself as reference for the missing part?

    Thread Starter leogc


    Hi there, good to know and great that you change the CSS/JS files for the next versions, that would be enough for me ??

    Thread Starter leogc


    Just for more Info:

    I have deactivated the WEBP tool for the moment.

    to follow

    Thread Starter leogc


    I have no chance to increase the Memory Limit here… In the Moment it is working after i have cleared everything up in the Matomo PlugIn. in save mode.

    Thread Starter leogc


    Sorry no more log files available…

    Thread Starter leogc


    I do not remember what was going on at this time, maybe Updates for Plug-Ins, but not 100% sure anymore.

    REPORT here:

    				# Matomo
    * Matomo-Plugin-Version: 4.13.3
    * Config existiert und ist schreibbar.: Ja ("$abs_path/wp-content/uploads/matomo/config/config.ini.php" )
    * JS Tracker existiert und ist schreibbar.: Ja ("$abs_path/wp-content/uploads/matomo/matomo.js" )
    * Plugin-Verzeichnisse: Yes ([{"pluginsPathAbsolute":"$abs_path\/wp-content\/plugins\/matomo\/plugins","webrootDirRelativeToMatomo":"..\/"}])
    * Tmp-Verzeichnis schreibbar: Yes ($abs_path/wp-content/cache/matomo)
    * Matomo-Version: 4.13.3
    * Matomo Blog idSite: 1
    * Installierte Matomo-Version: 4.2.0 (Install date: 2021-03-10 16:05:49)
    * Upgrades outstanding: No
    * Upgrade in progress: No
    ## Endpoints
    * Matomo JavaScript Tracker URL: ($site_url/wp-content/uploads/matomo/matomo.js)
    * Matomo JavaScript Tracker - WP Rest API: ($site_url/wp-json/matomo/v1/hit/)
    * Matomo HTTP Tracking API: ($site_url/wp-content/plugins/matomo/app/matomo.php)
    * Matomo HTTP Tracking API - WP Rest API: ($site_url/wp-json/matomo/v1/hit/)
    ## Crons
    * Server-Zeit: 2023-02-13 10:16:40
    * Blog-Zeit: 2023-02-13 11:16:40 (Die nachfolgenden Daten werden in der Blog-Zeitzone angezeigt)
    * Sync users & sites: Next run: 2023-02-13 16:05:47 (4 Stunden 49 Minuten) ( Last started: 2023-02-12 16:06:33 (-19 Stunden 10 Minuten). Last ended: 2023-02-12 16:06:33 (-19 Stunden 10 Minuten). Interval: daily)
    * Archive: Next run: 2023-02-13 12:05:47 (49 Minuten 7s) ( Last started: 2023-02-13 11:06:17 (-10 Minuten 23s). Last ended: 2023-02-13 11:06:20 (-10 Minuten 20s). Interval: hourly)
    * Update GeoIP DB: Next run: 2023-02-28 16:05:47 (15 Tage 4 Stunden) ( Last started: 2023-01-29 16:07:04 (-14 Tage 19 Stunden). Last ended: 2023-01-29 16:07:06 (-14 Tage 19 Stunden). Interval: matomo_monthly)
    ## Vorgeschriebene Prüfungen
    * PHP-Version >= 7.2.5: ok
    * PDO Erweiterung: ok
    * PDO\MYSQL Erweiterung: ok
    * MYSQLI Erweiterung: ok
    * Weitere erforderliche Anforderungen: ok
    * Erforderliche Funktionen: ok
    * Ben?tigte PHP Konfiguration (php.ini): ok
    * Verzeichnisse mit Schreibzugriff: ok
    * Verzeichnisse mit Schreibzugriff auf Tag Manager: ok
    ## Optionale Prüfungen
    * 64-bit PHP Bin?r: ok
    * Tracker-Status: ok
    * Speicherlimit: ok
    * Zeitzone: ok
    * ?ffnen einer URL: ok
    * GD > 2.x + FreeType (Grafiken): ok
    * Andere Erweiterungen: ok
    * Andere Funktionen: ok
    * Dateisystem: ok
    * Letzter erfolgreicher Abschluss der Archivierung: ok
    * Datenbankf?higkeiten: ok
    * Warning Maximale Packetgr??e: warning (Es wird empfohlen die 'max_allowed_packet' Gr??e in Ihrer MySQL Datenbank auf mindestens 64MB zu erh?hen. Aktuell ist 16MB eingestellt. )
    * Standorterkennung: ok
    * Update über HTTPS: ok
    * Supports Async Archiving: Yes
    * Location provider ID: geoip2php
    * Location provider available: Yes
    * Location provider working: Yes
    * Warning Proxy header: HTTP_X_REAL_IP (A proxy header is set which means you maybe need to configure a proxy header in the Advanced settings to make location reporting work. If the location in your reports is detected correctly, you can ignore this warning. <a  target="_blank">Mehr erfahren</a>)
    * Had visit in last 5 days: Yes
    * Matomo URL: Yes ($site_url/wp-content/plugins/matomo/app/)
    ## Matomo Settings
    * Track mode: default
    * Track codeposition: footer
    * Track api endpoint: default
    * Track js endpoint: default
    * Version history: 4.13.3, 4.13.2, 4.13.0, 4.12.0, 4.11.0
    * Core version: 4.13.3
    * Last tracking settings update: 1630619897
    * Last settings update: 1641765743
    * Track ecommerce: No
    * Track search: Yes
    * Disable cookies: Yes
    * Limit cookies: Yes
    * Show get started page: 0
    ## Logs
    * archive_boot: 2023-02-13 01:17:49 (Matomo error: 8: Undefined index: REQUEST_METHOD in $abs_path/wp-content/plugins/advanced-classifieds-and-directory-pro/public/class-acadp-public.php:89 => bootstrap.php:56; bootstrap.php:85; class-acadp-public.php:89; class-wp-hook.php:308; class-wp-hook.php:332; plugin.php:517; wp-settings.php:617; wp-config.php:77; wp-load.php:50; bootstrap.php:95; console:11;)
    * archive_boot: 2023-02-13 01:17:49 (Matomo error: 8: Undefined index: REQUEST_METHOD in $abs_path/wp-content/plugins/advanced-classifieds-and-directory-pro/public/class-acadp-public-user.php:44 => bootstrap.php:56; bootstrap.php:85; class-acadp-public-user.php:44; class-wp-hook.php:308; class-wp-hook.php:332; plugin.php:517; wp-settings.php:617; wp-config.php:77; wp-load.php:50; bootstrap.php:95; console:11;)
    * archive_boot: 2023-02-13 01:17:51 (Matomo error: 8: Undefined index: REQUEST_METHOD in $abs_path/wp-content/plugins/advanced-classifieds-and-directory-pro/public/class-acadp-public.php:89 => bootstrap.php:56; bootstrap.php:85; class-acadp-public.php:89; class-wp-hook.php:308; class-wp-hook.php:332; plugin.php:517; wp-settings.php:617; wp-config.php:77; wp-load.php:50; bootstrap.php:95; console:11;)
    * archive_boot: 2023-02-13 01:17:51 (Matomo error: 8: Undefined index: REQUEST_METHOD in $abs_path/wp-content/plugins/advanced-classifieds-and-directory-pro/public/class-acadp-public-user.php:44 => bootstrap.php:56; bootstrap.php:85; class-acadp-public-user.php:44; class-wp-hook.php:308; class-wp-hook.php:332; plugin.php:517; wp-settings.php:617; wp-config.php:77; wp-load.php:50; bootstrap.php:95; console:11;)
    * archive_boot: 2023-02-13 01:17:53 (Matomo error: 8: Undefined index: REQUEST_METHOD in $abs_path/wp-content/plugins/advanced-classifieds-and-directory-pro/public/class-acadp-public.php:89 => bootstrap.php:56; bootstrap.php:85; class-acadp-public.php:89; class-wp-hook.php:308; class-wp-hook.php:332; plugin.php:517; wp-settings.php:617; wp-config.php:77; wp-load.php:50; bootstrap.php:95; console:11;)
    * archive_boot: 2023-02-13 01:17:53 (Matomo error: 8: Undefined index: REQUEST_METHOD in $abs_path/wp-content/plugins/advanced-classifieds-and-directory-pro/public/class-acadp-public-user.php:44 => bootstrap.php:56; bootstrap.php:85; class-acadp-public-user.php:44; class-wp-hook.php:308; class-wp-hook.php:332; plugin.php:517; wp-settings.php:617; wp-config.php:77; wp-load.php:50; bootstrap.php:95; console:11;)
    # WordPress
    * Home URL: $site_url
    * Site URL: $site_url
    * WordPress Version: 6.1.1
    * Number of blogs: 1
    * Multisite Enabled: No
    * Network Enabled: No
    * WP_DEBUG: No
    * WP_DEBUG_LOG: No
    * WP_CACHE: No
    * WP_LOCAL_DEV: -
    * WP_CONTENT_URL: $site_url/wp-content
    * WP_CONTENT_DIR: $abs_path/wp-content
    * UPLOADS: -
    * WPLANG: -
    * Permalink Structure: /%postname%/
    * Possibly uses symlink: No
    * Upload base url: $site_url/wp-content/uploads
    * Upload base dir: $abs_path/wp-content/uploads
    * Upload url: $site_url/wp-content/uploads/2023/02
    * Custom upload_path:
    * Custom upload_url_path:
    * Compatible content directory: Yes
    # WordPress Plugins
    * Ads for WPBakery Page Builder (formerly Visual Composer): 1.0.6
    * Advanced Ads: 1.39.4
    * Advanced Ads – Google AdSense In-feed Placement: 1.1.2
    * Advanced Classifieds and Directory Pro: 1.9.3
    * Classic Widgets: 0.3
    * Contact Form 7: 5.7.3
    * Custom Sidebars: 3.36
    * Disable Comments RB: 1.0.21
    * Envato Market: 2.0.8
    * GDPR Cookie Consent: 2.3.9
    * Loco Translate: 2.6.3
    * Matomo Analytics - Ethical Stats. Powerful Insights.: 4.13.3
    * MC4WP: Mailchimp for WordPress: 4.9.1
    * Modern Events Calendar Lite: 6.6.6
    * Paperio Addons: 1.11
    * Redis Object Cache: 2.2.3 (Network enabled)
    * ThirstyAffiliates: 3.10.14
    * Travelpayouts: 1.1.2
    * wp-forecast: 8.7
    * WP-Optimize - Clean, Compress, Cache: 3.2.12
    * WP Advanced Math Captcha: 1.2.20
    * WP Armour - Honeypot Anti Spam: 2.1
    * WPBakery Page Builder: 6.10.0
    * WP Coupons and Deals: 3.1.15
    * WP Crontrol: 1.15.1
    * WPS Visitor Counter Plugin: 1.4.8
    * Yoast SEO: 20.1
    * Active Plugins: 27 (wp-coupons-and-deals ads-for-visual-composer advanced-ads-adsense-in-feed advanced-ads advanced-classifieds-and-directory-pro classic-widgets contact-form-7 custom-sidebars disable-comments-rb envato-market honeypot js_composer loco-translate mailchimp-for-wp matomo modern-events-calendar-lite paperio-addons redis-cache thirstyaffiliates travelpayouts webtoffee-gdpr-cookie-consent wordpress-seo wp-advanced-math-captcha wp-crontrol wp-forecast wp-optimize wps-visitor-counter)
    * Theme: paperio (paperio)
    # Server
    * Server Info: Apache
    * PHP OS: Linux
    * PHP Version: 7.4.33
    * PHP SAPI: fpm-fcgi
    * PHP Binary Name: php-fpm
    * PHP Maxmind DB extension: Not loaded
    * PHP Error Reporting: 0 After bootstrap: 0
    * PHP Found Binary: php -q
    * Timezone: UTC
    * WP timezone: +01:00
    * Locale: de_DE
    * User Locale: de_DE
    * Memory Limit: 256M (At least 128MB recommended. Depending on your traffic 256MB or more may be needed.)
    * WP Memory Limit: 40M
    * WP Max Memory Limit: 256M
    * Timezone version: 0.system
    * Time: 1676283403
    * Max Execution Time: 60
    * Max Post Size: 128M
    * Max Upload Size: 134217728
    * Max Input Vars: 1000
    * Disabled PHP functions: Yes (opcache_get_status)
    * zlib.output_compression is off: Yes
    * Curl Version: 7.68.0, OpenSSL/1.1.1f
    * Suhosin installed: No
    # PHP cli
    * PHP cli Version: 7.4.3-4ubuntu2.17
    * MySQLi support: ok
    # Database
    * MySQL Version: 5.5.5
    * Mysqli Connect: Yes
    * Force MySQL over Mysqli: No
    * DB Prefix: DcizMus_
    * DB CHARSET: utf8
    * Uses Socket: No
    * Uses IPv6: No
    * Matomo tables found: 121
    * DB tables exist: Yes
    * Matomo users found: 1
    * Matomo sites found: 1
    * Erforderliche Berechtigungen: OK
    # Browser
    * Browser: (Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.15; rv:108.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/108.0)
    * Language: de,en-us,en
    Thread Starter leogc


    Hi there, yes it is working with the newer Version, thank you very much!

    Thread Starter leogc


    Besides that as info, all other Plug Ins are at the newest version same as Theme etc…

    Thread Starter leogc


    I also get this System E-Mail from my Server, maybe it help:

    PHP Warning: ?require_once(/var/www/vhosts/XXX/XXX/wp-content/plugins/invoicing/vendor/autoload.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/vhosts/XXX/XXX/wp-content/plugins/invoicing/includes/class-wpinv.php?on line 186
    PHP Fatal error: ?require_once(): Failed opening required ‘/var/www/vhosts/XXX/XXX/wp-content/plugins/invoicing/vendor/autoload.php’?(include_path=’.:/usr/share/php’) in /var/www/vhosts/XXX/XXX/wp-content/plugins/invoicing/includes/class-wpinv.php?on line 186

    Thread Starter leogc



    any guide how to do that? Never did it that way^^

    I have no Dropbox-Account either.

Viewing 15 replies - 46 through 60 (of 447 total)