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  • Thread Starter leofrish


    Yes, I suppose that’s what I’m saying. I’d like the field labels to be styled the same as other labels elsewhere in the theme.

    Thread Starter leofrish


    Okay, more information to help you.

    The plug-in author of SlideMaster located the css line item in the quest style sheet having to do with table style display conflicts:

    .row.v-align-top > div[class*="col-"], .row.v-align-middle > div[class*="col-"], .row.v-align-bottom > div[class*="col-"] {
        display: table-cell;
        float: none;
        vertical-align: middle;

    I changed the “display” attribute to “block” and the problem appears to be fixed.

    As this may be limited to the interaction of this theme to this plug-in, I’m not suggesting this as a global change (as I don’t know how you’re using the table-cell attribute elsewhere), but it fixed my problem.

    If you have anything else to add, I’m all ears.



    Thread Starter leofrish


    Thanks for looking into this! I gave your suggestion a try and you were definitely on the right line item, but I needed to change the display from “table-cell” to “block.”

    That did the trick.

    Of course, that doesn’t explain why it was already working on the home page, but I’m happy!

    Thanks again!

    Thread Starter leofrish


    Okay. Cool. Now, I have a different question about responsiveness.

    Please see this page:

    I’ve created a simple, 2-section page with one-column layout in each, and a single text module in each column.

    I’ve inserted a short code for two slider instances (one in each section). Slider #13 in the top section, #2 in the bottom section.

    When I drag the right hand edge of the browser (Chrome) the upper slider reduces in size as expected. The lower one does not. When I switch the two (#2 on top, #13 below), the upper one still responds and the lower one does not.

    Now, for something a little weirder – on the home page I have two sliders and almost the identical structure (two sections with a slider in each). In this case, both sliders respond correctly – I’ve asked the slider publisher to weigh in on this as well, but am hoping you can see what the problem is).

    Can you help? Is this possibly going into your update for the weekend? Is there a workaround?

    Thread Starter leofrish


    Apologies again for not being clear.
    In Customize | Color | Global – you give us access to the color options for various standard styles (text, H1-H6, Link/Link hover, etc.). I was playing around with those and realized if I wanted to differentiate H1 from H2 using a color, I would have to code that in-line, or apply a global CSS override in my child theme styles.css file.

    I think I’ve got it figured out.

    Looking forward to your updates.

    Thanks again!

    Thread Starter leofrish


    Of course. Very stupid of me for not thinking about using the link attribute. (I had been thinking of including a link in-line but obviously I could just create a separate heading item for that link.


    I’m getting this same issue – running Mac OS/X 10.7.5 – but it’s more annoying than destructive.
    It occurs when I go to “Text” from “Visual” and then publish the page. If I don’t move between the two tabs, it seems to be okay…but I’ve not thoroughly tested it.

    Thread Starter leofrish


    Apologies – I discovered they are not rendered in the editor as H1, etc. but they do appear in the actual page appropriately.

    So that is resolved.

    Is there a place where we can specify the color for the various styles or do we need to do that on our own within the HTML?

    Thank you for getting back to me so quickly. I’m really excited by this plug-in and its power (even in its free version!).

    Yes, I did look at the slider on an actual phone and it seems to be working as expected. There were many cache issues – not just in slider2, but in the wordpress framework itself, and potentially on the devices.

    Yes, I had hoped to see the slider shift to the phone style version while in the desktop browser and couldn’t make that happen, even though I’ve got the responsive mode set to both real device and screen size. I’m fine with that, now that I know.

    I’ve done everything (I think) to make my slider design work in both desktop and mobile contexts – per the links and documentation you’ve provided.
    1) I’ve created a separate slider for mobile. In the slides for the slider I’ve used smaller font sizes and arranged/sized the layers so the text reads beautifully
    2) In the preview for this slider, it looks great.

    When I view the slider on my phone or on the desktop (with the width dragged to minimum) – the phone slider doesn’t appear as it does in the preview window.

    I even set the “Global Font Size” in the Edit Slider settings to be the same for desktop and phone, but the html I’m seeing in my browser shows the original font settings:

    <div id="nextend-smart-slider-6" class="nextend-slider-fadeload nextend-phone nextend-loaded" style="font-size: 4.28571px; transform: translate3d(0px, 0px, 0px) perspective(1000px); margin: 0px; width: 420px; height: 164px;" data-allfontsize="12" data-desktopfontsize="12" data-tabletfontsize="16" data-phonefontsize="20">

    You can see the slider here:

    Thanks for whatever help you can offer.


    Thread Starter leofrish


    Thank you for the suggestion.

    I’m just thankful that by simply duplicating it the problem went away. I’m very close to publishing the site, and your plug-in, with all of its documentation, has been a really exciting discovery!

    Even the free version has a lot of power!



    Thread Starter leofrish


    Thanks. I realize I removed the slider that wasn’t working before you could see it, so mh post probably makes no sense.

    Yes – the responsiveness and font size issues are well documented. I really appreciate how much you’ve written about the plug-in!

    I had hoped to merely show you how a duplicate of a slider worked perfectly where its original was not. It doesn’t really matter as it probably just a stupid glitch.



    Thread Starter leofrish



    Thread Starter leofrish


    Thank you!

    But can’t we just make that change ourselves in the functions.php file? This is exactly the problem I’ve been facing today:

    I’ve created a child theme of Emphasize (great theme, btw).

    Emphasize has great customizability – including right or left (or none) sidebars for posts. I’ve decided some of my posts will need left sidebars, so I’ve specified that as the default.

    But I’ve formatted all of my TE events with the expectation they would be “no-sidebar.”

    With the change I made to Emphasize’s default formatting for posts, all of my TE events are now formatted poorly.

    Here’s the challenge:
    If I override the single.php file by putting a copy in my empathize-child, I’ll lose the default left-sidebar for normal posts (but I’ll get the effect I need in TE).
    If I place a unique template in Emphasize (parent) and point to it using TE’s supplied filter it works great, but I’ll lose that file when Emphasize updates.

    So, I figured I’d have the TE filter look in the child root for the unique file using your supplied code in the functions.php file in my child theme, substituting the straight file name of the template with a call to the stylesheet directory.

    $template_file = get_stylesheet_directory() . ‘/single-te.php’;

    But it does not return the desired results. The container, rather than having the Emphasize margins (as specified in the template file), returns with no margins.

    For now, I’m keeping my unique file in the parent folder, but if you could help me understand why this call isn’t working (or couldn’t work because of how you treat it) I’d appreciate it.

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