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  • Thread Starter leo150595


    Hello @bsfaradhy

    Thank you very much for your help ! When I inspect the code I have this (see below)

    As you can see, I have the following meta viewport in the header : <meta name=”viewport” content=”user-scalable=no, width=device-width, maximum-scale=1, minimum-scale=1″>

    While in my header.php file I have this : <meta?name=”viewport”?content=”width=device-width,?initial-scale=1″>

    I did what you said (desactivate all the plugins) but nothing changed. I still have this problem.

    As you think, I guess that it comes from another file but I checked almost everything and I can’t find where the problem comes from. I checked in functions.php assets and so on… And I found nothing…

    The only information I found related to viewport was this one in wp-content / Themes / astra /assets/js/unminified/frontend.js

    Its’ this piece of code : Line 494 : ?var?mobile_width?=?(?null?!==?navigator.userAgent.match(/Android/i)?&&?‘Android’?===?navigator.userAgent.match(/Android/i)[0]?)???window.visualViewport.width?:?window.innerWidth;

    and Line 506 : var?mobileResizeWidth?=?(?null?!==?navigator.userAgent.match(/Android/i)?&&?‘Android’?===?navigator.userAgent.match(/Android/i)[0]?)???window.visualViewport.width?:?window.innerWidth;

    Do you have another idea of what I could do ?

    Thank you !

    Thread Starter leo150595


    Is there someone to help me for this specific topic ? I’m very lost ??

    Thank you !

    Thread Starter leo150595


    Ok thank you very much !

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