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Hi Craig , i post the link to my webpage (Post section) and you can see in the right side one big single column with photos & i will show 2 (and the buttons correctly)=> POST EXEMPLE
These is my configuration of the plugin…
I try to use the CSS that you post, but not works…## PLUGIN SETTINGS: ##
sb_instagram_plugin_type => Instagram Feed Free
sb_instagram_at => 1380240012.97584da.4dcc5e2c74c1436c8e96d87933026c22
sb_instagram_user_id => 1380240012
sb_instagram_preserve_settings => on
sb_instagram_ajax_theme =>
sb_instagram_width => 100
sb_instagram_width_unit => %
sb_instagram_feed_width_resp =>
sb_instagram_height =>
sb_instagram_num => 10
sb_instagram_height_unit => px
sb_instagram_cols => 2
sb_instagram_disable_mobile =>
sb_instagram_image_padding => 0
sb_instagram_image_padding_unit => px
sb_instagram_sort => none
sb_instagram_background =>
sb_instagram_show_btn => on
sb_instagram_btn_background =>
sb_instagram_btn_text_color =>
sb_instagram_btn_text => Load more photos…
sb_instagram_image_res => auto
sb_instagram_show_header =>
sb_instagram_header_color =>
sb_instagram_show_follow_btn => on
sb_instagram_folow_btn_background =>
sb_instagram_follow_btn_text_color =>
sb_instagram_follow_btn_text => Follow on Instagram
sb_instagram_custom_css =>
sb_instagram_custom_js =>Hi good afternoon, I have a problem with my plugin Instagram feed.
A few days ago (after the general update of Instagram) in my blog only one column photo is shown instead of 2 as well had set (2 columns x 10 photos in each).
In the configuration of the plugin is quite correct and the code for the display (for insertion in the widget) is also correct, and so do not affect ahun changes and remains in a column and also the buttons have changed …
Can somebody help me?
Thanks a lot!!! k0n0pka
Works fine!! (also with the sending mail correctly)
I see another error in the blogg section.
just in the bar for widgets…
maybe i need also change the code that you say…
I try and say to you the results…k0n0pka
No my problem it’s solved just 5 minutes ago,,,
Line no: 306
Works Perfect! Thanks a lot Ravi patel
I discover the plugin in my case, that creates the issue IS NOT the Mail Poet, its Google Analytics by Yoast…
Hi all,
I’m with the same problem, but i deactivate the plugin (Mail poet) and still the advice in : MY SITE
And in the code line (functions.php) i cannot see the code to substitution.
It’s another plugin that create the issue? (Or some plugins can be?)
Thanks a lot for helping!!