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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Syntax ErrorHey,
If you haven’t altered the optinmonster plugin at all then someone has made an error in their code. To fix it you can visit the file specified in the error (line 19) and apply the change and let the developers know that a fix is needed.
If you’re not comfortable with that then send a message to the developers with that error and disable the plugin for the time being. They should fix it pretty sharpish!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: One page layout or scroling page only one linkHey,
I think all you need is a theme specifically designed to do what you want. Examples can be found here: a little bit of research (most decent themes supply a live demo for you to look through) you should be able to find something that fits the bill
Sorry it sounds like your use case is a little more specific than I first thought. You may actually be better off using something like
for generating a unique number for the form submission.When the page is redirected do you not get any useful information at all? No ID or anything that tells you the form has been submitted successfully? (You can test this by checking out what is stored in the $_REQUEST global).
So you have the ability to email them the form or would they check a box and then you send the confirmation to them from the external site? Maybe just have the confirmation send as a default option as otherwise it gets quite messy
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Customize size of picturesHey,
I think there are ways to stop WordPress doing this (e.g. but why do you need to? Have you run out of disk space due to the additional images?
I have seen plugins that try to do something like this ( but I’d just be careful that nothing you are using relies upon finding these image sizes when it outputs to the frontend
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: No styling works, with any themeHey,
You actually get a “deceptive site ahead” warning in chrome when you try to visit the provided link currently.
It looks to me like you still have caching enabled from somewhere. To test everything out deactivate all your plugins and switch to a default theme (twentyseventeen). Make sure all caching is off and then you’ll know exactly what is going on.
Currently, a minified and cached css file is trying to be loaded by something but that file no longer exists and the styles loaded by the theme is pretty much empty.
Most plugins that handle forms will set up the confirmation page for you. To customise it they’ll either offer templates or hooks that can be utilised in your theme.
With regards to the actual output of information, the message will need to be supplied somewhere so that can be pulled in based on any conditions you want. If you’re redirecting the user to a confirmation page all of the work can be done on that page and you can output whatever you want.
function in PHP allows you to output the current date and time in whichever format suits you bestForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: I get this in textareaHey,
Can you provide a sample of your code where this textarea is being placed. Is this from a post edit screen or within a template?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: No images showing in themesHey,
The images are not found at the requested URL and so are returning a 404 error. These are the request paths for the 2 images on the page linked:×32.png×192.pngThese are usually pulled in with a function that gets the attached media to a given post so I suspect these have either been moved/renamed on the server and not updated on the post. Try removing and re-adding the images to the posts themselves
Forum: Developing with WordPress
In reply to: JSON information for custom post typesHey,
You’re diving into customised queries here so check out specifically “Multiple Custom Field Handling:”
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WP Admin Dashboard: site stats graph spinningHey,
Given the thousands of plugins available for WordPress it’s not realistic to expect someone to be able to be that familiar with enough of them to be able to recognise a potential conflict.
What you can do though is setup a staging site (I’m sure your host would be happy to help you with this) which you can test the updates out on. This way, nothing will ever break on your live site when you update as everything is first processed in a safe environment.
If you can get a staging site installed you can quickly identify the culprit by disabling all the plugins on the staging site, then enabling them one by one until the problem re-occurs
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Pirate forms (or any other form) won’t show on websiteHey,
When a shortcode shows just the text like that it means the code that loaded the shortcode in originally has not been found/loaded.
Double check that the shortcode is still correct and the plugin you are using to load the form is still active. If you are 100% sure this is all OK get in touch with the developers to let them know there is an issue with the shortcode and they can help you out.
Perhaps this will help you out:
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Can’t hide PAGE TITLE – although ‘disabled’ in wp-adminHey,
You’re better off getting in touch with the developers at WPML, you pay for the licence after all!
If you had a full site backup and everything restored properly the site would be back to how it was. I’m assuming maybe the database wasn’t restored so the updates have reverted but the database changes have remained.
With regards to the sidebar on the Spanish page. I think you can use WPML to dictate a “main” language that controls the content of the “child” language pages. It appears here that the sidebar is active for only the Spanish page so I should imaging within those page options you will need to set a different template (full width?) or change the WPML settings so that all of the content is lifted from the main language page.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Max Galleria Preset Layout Gallery Styles Not WorkingHey,
I think with theme/plugin specific issues (especially premium ones!) you’re better off getting in touch with the developers with the issue as they know the code better than anyone.
All I can tell you is that the styles for that border are set in the following file:
/wp-content/mg-styles/mg-116.cssIf this is generated by the plugin and not yourself then it should be created dependant on options. If this is not the case then something is broken and they need to take a look.
If you can test it on a staging site then I’d try it first with other extensions deactivated and using a default theme as this is the easiest rule to pinpoint a conflict with another extension and will give the developers something to work with.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Trying to find a theme for CBDHey,
I’m not sure I understand the question. Themes are designed to customise the layout and look of your website (so they can specialise to work well with ecommerce, certain businesses, blogs etc).What is it that your website does? If it’s a shop then have a look at ecommerce themes
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: index of / cgi-binHey,
It’s likely you have installed WordPress inside another directory (I’ve seen this before when people have installed it inside a “wordpress” directory). So to see your site you will need to navigate to to view WordPress.
Have a look at the file structure. You’ll need WordPress in the root directory (often public_html) to see it at the base URL