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I contacted the 1and1 support and as it turns out we have a certificate included in our package. I activated it (it’s from Symantec, I guess) and set up all the redirects from http to https. Normally Pocket Casts should pick up the redirect soon I hope.
Thanks @amandato & @shawnogordo for your help and support. Of course I left you a review.
Hi @amandato,
wow…thanks for your answer!
We didn’t buy a SSL certificate specifically/intendedly. As total rookies we just bought the WordPress.com Premium Plan (https://wordpress.com/pricing/). T suppose there is a SSl certificate included?
After that I transfered the Domain to 1and1 where we apparently lost the certificate in the process. But as you said I will contact wordpress.com in orderto get the SSL certificate.
Thanks for your awesome support!
Hi @amandato,
wow…thanks for your answer!
We didn’t buy a SSL certificate specifically/intendedly. As total rookies we just bought the WordPress.com Premium Plan (https://wordpress.com/pricing/). T suppose there is a SSl certificate included?
After that I transfered the Domain to 1and1 where we apparently lost the certificate in the process. But as you said I will contact wordpress.com in orderto get the SSL certificate.
Thanks for your awesome support!
Thanks Shawn.
It seems that our website was running on https while we were at wordpress.com. Now with 1and1 it’s only http. I tried all available tutorials about redirecting from https to http, e.g.
# Redirect HTTPS to HTTP
RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-Forwarded-Proto} =https
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301]Nothing works so far. Therefore I am hoping that the Pocket Casts support is going to answer soon. I suppose there will be two Quality Time Podcast when we submit our new Feed-URL Pocket Casts.
Thanks again
SaschaThanks Shawn for all your help and support.
I was afraid of trying a new Feed URL at first but we finally decided to use https://www.qualitytimepod.com/feed/podcast/. I think it’s the best solution for the long run. Plus the title problem was also solved with this change.
I set up a redirect 301 for the old Feed URL https://www.qualitytimepod.com/category/folgen/feed and we submitted the new URL to iTunes. Everything works perfect so far over there.
However we encountered some big problems with Android and Pocket Casts. Our podcast is not updating on any of the android apps.
I saw in the android app that our submitted feed was https://qualitytimepod.com/category/folgen/feed.
When I try to visit this Feed I get an error instead of a redirect to the new feed URL. Unfortunately I’m no expert but could the https instead of the http be the reason for our problems?
I really don’t know why we had the http-url submitted to iTunes and the https-url to Pocket Casts when we first started.
I have no idea if or how I can set up a redirect for https://qualitytimepod.com/category/folgen/feed. I wrote an email to the Pocket Casts support but haven’t received an answer yet. And we don’t want to submit the new Feed-URL to Pockets Casts because we are afraid that two podcasts with the same name will show up.
Sorry for all the problems. ?? I am happy that we switched to the self-hosted www.remarpro.com blog, but it’s really not easy to do it.
Thanks for your help.
SaschaSorry for the third reply in a row.
I set up my Podcast information in the Powerpress settings and after a while our iTunes page was updated. Now it seems that nearly every information is correct https://itunes.apple.com/de/podcast/quality-time/id1139593055?mt=2&ls=1
There are still some hickups, for example a friend mentioned that episode nine is displayed twice in the iTunes Podcast app.
One thing that really bothers me: as you can see in iTunes the Title of our podcast is “folgen – Quality Time Podcast”. It should only be Quality Time Podcast.
In the RSS-Feed you cann see:
<title>folgen – Quality Time Podcast</title>
<atom:link href=”https://www.qualitytimepod.com/category/folgen/feed/” rel=”self” type=”application/rss+xml” />I can’t find a way to edit this title. I picked Quality Time Podcast as the title every time I got the chance to in the powerpress settings or wordpress settings in general. Is there a way to edit the title?
Thank you!
One Addition: I set up the Podcast in the powerpress settings under the assumption that will be applied to all Feeds. When I look up the https://qualitytimepod.com/category/folgen/feed/, I can see all my information.
Now I went to iTunes and try to Refresh the Feed. I got this message: Can’t read your feed. Bad http result code: 504.
Thanks again Shawn!
The site is now up and running. I made sure to “Enhance all Feeds” in the Powerpress Settings.
If you click on https://qualitytimepod.com/category/folgen you’ll get to the episodes and under https://qualitytimepod.com/category/folgen/feed/ you can see the Feed information about the blog posts under the category “folgen”.
I don’t really understand the Enhance all Feeds option.
I can make all the necessary information about my podcast under the settings options from Powerpress (Feed settings, iTunes, description, artwork, etc). But it says that all Feed settings apply to feed: https://www.qualitytimepod.com/feed/podcast/ (the default channel/category).
When I add a new episode to the blog post via the shortcode [powerpress] it will be automatically added to the default podcast feed.
I can create new podcast categories and channels but i never get the right Feed-URL. For example a new category “folgen” is named https://www.qualitytimepod.com/category/folgen/feed/podcast/ or a podcast channel is named https://www.qualitytimepod.com/feed/folgen/.
Does the “Enhance all Feeds” feature means that I set up the Podcast(informationm iTunes description, Podcast Entry Boy) under settings (for default podcast) but they will also be applied to the right Feed https://qualitytimepod.com/category/folgen/feed/?
Sorry for bothering you again but I still have some problems with the setup. Thanks again for your help!
Thank you very much Shawn. That was quite helpful.
The URL-Transfer from WordPress.com to 1and1 took a while. Now that it’s finally completed, I’m trying to do the switch to www.remarpro.com.
To make the transfer as smooth as possible I tried to create the exact same RSS-Feed from our “old” WordPress.com page: https://qualitytimepod.com/category/folgen/feed/
I assumed it would work via the Category Podcasting option from the Powerpress plugin (our category is called folgen, means episodes). Therefore I added the Podcast Settings to the Category Feed folgen.
The result looks like this https://qualitytimepod.com/category/folgen/feed/podcast/
I’m still working at it locally so you will get to our current podcast tag when you click the link.
It’s almost the same Feed-URL besides the “podcast” in the end. I understand that “podcast” is the default option in Powerpress. But I can’t find a way to edit the Feed-URL (and delete the podcast) so it matches the old one: https://qualitytimepod.com/category/folgen/feed/
Is it important at all to keep the same Feed-URL or isn’t it that important for iTunes since we are keeping the same Domain qualitytimepod.com?
I hope again that’s understandable for everbody. Thanks for your help!
- This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by legensuitupdary.