Forum Replies Created
That is a feature we may be adding in the future actually.
You can add this yourself by copying the “pages” for the registration page and adding a new switch in the plugin and then hooking that into the article submission form.
Hi Kandaio,
Sorry for the slow response if you need you can email our support using that first word combined with the domain name that the plugin links to.
To answer your question, FB Auto-Connect may use the registration module, I’m not sure, but if it does, it will not work with with Super CAPTCHA for the simple reason that we have no way of knowing what program is sending the registration details through the hooked functions unless FB Autoconnect actually bypasses these hooks.
It will not block legitimate signups from the registration form though and the most we have seen in complaints is some of the distortions that can be stacked with other distortions to be made nearly unreadable. You can make this as plain and as easy as you like and still keep it 100% secure from bots — that is the beauty of this CAPTCHA is that it is the ONLY CAPTCHA that is 100% effective against OCR software.
Lance, are you upgrading? If so you will have to set your font path in the config, which is basically the path to the includes folder.
Also the anti-aliasing seems not to be supported on your server as well. This could be a problem because a 3D CAPTCHA will be exceedingly hard to read without it.
We’re pushing out v 2.4.0 now in order to address this issue and publish the changes made so far in the 3-D CAPTCHA system.
Hi lord_lethris,
This happens when you try enabling the SEF url system. We are trying to make this cross compatible on all 3.0+ WordPress systems. The issues seems to be in the file system differences (ie Windows vs Linux). You can set this value yourself and manually by opening 3.dsimage.php and editing line 232 with SEF disabled. I would edit the full pat to that specific file (3DCaptcha.ttf).
Again without any editing this should fix itself by simply turning the image rendering SEF system off so all relative-style include structures stop.
What I will most likely do in the next release is just store this value to the database like I did with the 2D Captcha so there are no more worries about file system specific including.
Hi Zakate,
Looks like FB-Status-Updater is conflicting with our plugin library.
We currently use getPage (and have been using it for a while now) as a page switching mechanism.
You can disable one or the other plugins to resolve the issue.
HI PahaW,
We are moving away from the 2-D CAPTCHAs. If you enable the 3-D captcha on the new version it should work without any issues.
Hi aureagle,
SuperCATPCHA works great in multi-site mode. You can see it in action here:
The image is generated from the relative domain, it is not hard-coded. As for the hard-coded part, it pulls the wordpress definition, WP_PLUGIN_DIR (or something like that) which changes dynamically per-site.
Super Captcha was not designed however, to work across sites in multiple login forms. This will most likely break Super-CAPTCHA because it tries to validate the actual login form to provide more security.
Hope that helps!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: super captcha Getting errorsThis should have been fixed many, many, releases ago.
If not please let me know what version of Super Captcha you are running and I’ll look into that error.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: WPMU Super CAPTCHA] stopped working – i’m under spam attackI’ve answered this on Buddypress’s website a while back, what I’ve noticed happening is accounts being activated, not actually being registered.
What I do is usually run through the tables that store registrations and just delete folks older than a few days old. But I had the same issue after I developed the plugin myself, and once I purged the (and to my surprise) millions of pending registrations, all “new users” completely stopped.
Keep in mind if someone registered a year ago, and clicks the activation link today it will appear even though they just registered.
To subvert people from creating accounts and then spamming blogs I’ve updated the plugin to force (at the admin’s option) all users to submit to the CAPTCHA test even when creating blogs (after signup). I have not had one successful blog registration since a week ago when I started rigorously testing the changes on my testbed site.
I’m using the extended profile for WordPress, I’ve never had this issue… Do you have any other plugins that are modding user management and profiles?
This plugin is pretty cut and dry the way it interfaces with the hooks.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: WPMU Super CAPTCHA] Annoying credit bylineI wanted to let everyone know that now we have an option to legitimately remove the credits at the bottom of a site, though its not recommended as the credits also work as a deturant, you can make a donation of any amount over $5.00 and we will send a licensed copy of the software to you. This will also entitle the user to a life-time of licensed copies which he/she will be the first to receive new, stable features (like the logging tool which was available to the persons that had donated 30 days before it was incorporated into the Lesser GPL version).
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Ad-minister] Only 1 widget allowedJBirkes, you’re a god, much thanks!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: WPMU Super CAPTCHA] Annoying credit bylineThis is an error with your WPMU version Arghagain. This was a bug that was reported a while back and after upgrading his version of WPMU all worked fine.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: WPMU Super CAPTCHA] Annoying credit bylineIts not in the readme, I’ve never seen a plugin developer that writes free software place any kind of licensing in the readme, instead it is where it should be, in the License.txt (also very big link in the admin panel as well that includes that license).
The footer is injected where the wpfooter is, and is formatted the same way as the footer but on a new line. If you have obscured or personalized the wordpress footer, then yeah, its not going to show up correctly, but if you have designed your site in consideration of the wordpress footer, it blends in fine.
https://marketing21.biz/?cat=6 was not edited, the code is the same, html at least. Again that site also makes no consideration for the wordpress footers, thus it doesn’t “quite” fit, but its not a sore thumb either.
I don’t mind making it customizable, that is fine, in fact the next version will have a way to customize what page you want the copyright on and it will ping our server and our server will render a license for the server hosting it, if our server can find a non-obscured link on the page they specified, the software will work fine, if not, someone will have a “LOT” of coding to do in order to get the plugin working.