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  • Thread Starter leet8845


    Thanks for your help!

    Fail to reply

    Can you use HTML? I use tables to create my forms. Just make a table with padding and you’ll have a nice looking form and aligin it left.

    Thread Starter leet8845


    I got this solved by Alan over at

    He said
    ““I want to exclude all the children of 219, 409 and 357″

    then you need to add || ($post->post_parent==”219″) in there too – which is doing the job of excluding the children of 219. the is_page(219) will also exclude page 219.

    when the code is getting a bit repetitious like this, you could try reformulating using PHP’s in_array like this:

    global $post; return !( in_array($post->post_parent, array(219,357,409)) );

    wordpress’s own is_page can take an array for multiple values too, so if you also wanted to exclude those parent pages:

    global $post; return !( is_page(array(219,357,409)) || in_array($post->post_parent, array(219,357,409)) );”

    I used ‘global $post; return !( is_page(array(219,357,409)) || in_array($post->post_parent, array(219,357,409)) )’

    It works perfect! Thanks again Alan! Your the man!

    Hi alan,

    I think you solved this for me over at

    You said
    ““I want to exclude all the children of 219, 409 and 357″

    then you need to add || ($post->post_parent==”219″) in there too – which is doing the job of excluding the children of 219. the is_page(219) will also exclude page 219.

    when the code is getting a bit repetitious like this, you could try reformulating using PHP’s in_array like this:

    global $post; return !( in_array($post->post_parent, array(219,357,409)) );

    wordpress’s own is_page can take an array for multiple values too, so if you also wanted to exclude those parent pages:

    global $post; return !( is_page(array(219,357,409)) || in_array($post->post_parent, array(219,357,409)) );”

    I used ‘global $post; return !( is_page(array(219,357,409)) || in_array($post->post_parent, array(219,357,409)) )’

    It works perfect! Thanks again!

    How would I also exclude the grandchilren?

    Thread Starter leet8845


    Thanks pento,

    My problem was that I had almost pretty URLs enbled because it work on my server otherwise.

    Is there anyway to do a job search?

    Thanks jinbatsu, that fixed my problem.



    Thanks bgoldstein,

    I followed your instructions. On step 4 I changed it to my file path and it all worked perfect.

    I don;t know how you figure this stuff out but well done, you saved me a load of time was about to start copying and pasting ??



    this plugin involes too much messing about, why all the validating URLS crap?


    Did you read this from this early from this thread by mtonumaa(helped me the blank page);

    First of all, I would like to thank Víctor García for creating this theme and making it free, which is good. It saves a lot of time when you dont have to search for a premium theme hosted somewhere on the internet.

    I downloaded WPESP theme straight away as I saw it, but when I dropped it to my wp-content/themes/ directory and activated through Admin Panel it seemed to be kinda empty. Well, it was empty, despite 6 test posts.

    No worries everybody, it’s all working now and I’ve got the steps that you need do to make it work. It took me quite some time (tutorial at isn’t worth to be called tutorial), so I’m going to share it with you in order to save your time.

    So I go:

    1. Navigate to Categories in your Admin Panel and make a new one called Work. After you do so, create another one called Featured and under Category Parent select category you created a second ago – Work. All of your works are going to be posted under Work category and only the chosen ones under Featured. Thats simple.

    2. Go and write few test posts under Work and Featured categories and don’t forget to fill up Portfolio Post Settings which is bellow the writing area at your New Post screen. Thumb Panel Image and Panel Image will be resized automatically so it’s all good.

    If you checked your website now, you should probably see that it’s working. Well, not yet. Try to click on any post you want and im sure that you’ll see an empty page. Am I right? Damn yeah. To avoid this, you need to:

    3. Click on Categories at your Admin Panel and move your mouse over Work category in order to edit it (press Edit). Well, stop right there. Now look at the address bar and you should see long url with the ending of something like this:


    You can clearly see, that my Work category ID is 27, not 3 like it’s set by default in index.php.

    What you need to do now is open Index.php file for editing and find line 7 in which you can see

    elseif( in_category(3) ) :.

    That 3 in there is by default and is no good for most of us, unless you have a fresh install of wordpress. So change number 3 to YOUR Work category ID and save it.

    Visit your page, it should be working as a charm now.

    P.S. English aint my national language, so pardon for any mistakes I did. Just wanted to help you out there, fellas.

    Peace out,

    I love this theme! Thanks alot!!

    One thing I did adjust were the buttons, I made them slightly bigger, and more stylish (IMHumbleO). I also re-tweaked them again to include a light green on the right and a light red on the left to discourge anyone pressing the left button by mistake at start.
    I have included both versions of the buttons, and instructions how to implement them. Requires adusting of two files – very easy.

    Just follow the link to get the .zip file containing the pics and look at the readme.txt for instructions –

    I can’t find a FAQs, why u wasting time for people making them look at your forum?? why not just tell us here??

    I needed the same thing, this plugin will speed things up

    Great plugin, this will help me improve my PR by not leaking it away. Thanks!

    I rated it 5/5. If more people understood PR and how it leaks through external links then this plugin would be much more popular IMO.

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