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  • Thread Starter LeeNoga



    I chose the plugin “Batch Move” it was compatible with my version of WP, the one you recommended was a risk with my version, and appears to have been quite popular over the years. But, I went with the 2nd choice.

    This plugin I chose, does the job and batch moves multiple items. Once I figured out the plugin, it worked great. Update means “move” with this plugin. I am thrilled.

    Consider my problem resolved. Maybe WP was designed not to batch move, but the plugin was a a brilliant, Plan B.

    Thank you again.

    Thread Starter LeeNoga


    Reading back over this thread, WPyogi, I did take it tech support of shopperpress and they told me it was a WP core issue.

    I went to my hosting company and had all WP core files re-loaded fresh and dropped back from PHP 5.3x back to 5.2.17. I was that desperate thinking I broke something. Nothing helped, so I came here to WP.

    [Demeaning remark moderated]

    WPYogi, talked the least in this thread, and I believe has given me an alternative to get on with my editing.

    Much respect.

    Thread Starter LeeNoga


    WPyogi, I think we are on to something! Let me read in detail, this may just be my solution.

    OMG, this might be it! WOO HOO. With my store heading towards double the product, this may be my solution.

    THANK YOU. Let me go and explore this.




    [Moderator note: If you are unsatisfied with the level of support you have received after just 1 day of opening the thread, feel free to post a listing at WP Jobs. Otherwise wait and don’t complain about it. Also if you can’t keep civil on these forums then please do not post here]

    Thread Starter LeeNoga


    Anyone with a wordpress site with posts or products, does your bulk edit work like the singular quick edit for you??

    Please conduct this test, if you have a moment:

    a) Go to Manage posts/products area
    b) Select 1 item, do QUICKEDIT
    c) Note the category your in is check marked.

    Go back to manage list

    a) Select a few items/posts/products
    b) Select BULK EDIT
    c) Are you category boxes ALL empty with no check marks?

    Please post your testing results here, all my WP sites show same results, I need to hear from other WP site owners.

    Mr. Moderator, how about you, can you test one of your WP sites? I would be grateful to know what you see.

    Anyone else?

    THANK YOU for all your help, readers and WP users.

    This problem or lack of feature is a big problem for anyone managing thousands of items, why is quickedit function not the same for bulk edit?

    Is this a bug or lack of feature? I hope to get to the bottom of this.

    Thread Starter LeeNoga


    THANK YOU, any info you can get me will be most helpful, I am striking out…I look forward to hearing back from you, I will check this forum often.

    Thread Starter LeeNoga


    Mr SeaCoast, thank you for admitting you added the mark, and THANK YOU for admitting there was no mark on the bulk edit.

    You have confirmed my point of view It is broken. I am back to where I was, and I have lost hope once again.

    Let me challenge your expertise-

    If I have 500 items in a category called dogs, and want to bulk edit and move them to a new category called cats. How would I do this using bulk edit?

    Why can I do this change in QUICK EDIT or regular singular edit? Why would these tools show me the current category and NOT bulk edit? There is not continuity between the features of QUICK EDIT and BULK EDIT.

    So, how do you propose I batch change 500 products if WP is operating correctly and bulk edit is NOT broken in your point of view?

    You at some point will have to fall on your sword and agree with me, there is a disconnect here between single editing and bulk editing.

    Thread Starter LeeNoga


    All my bulk editing is via category filtering because when importing products from affiliate site, stray items get pulled in and need to be moved.

    Your second image, is correct, the difference is I cannot get my filtering category to show a checkmark, so therefore I cannot remove the checkmark.

    I know shopperpress product is NOT problem, I write a blog and I used the bulk edit for my basic wordpress blog and bulk edit is broken for my posts in the same way bulk edit is broken on my store products.

    2 different WP applications….but on same server, same PHP version, same WP core files.

    Can you fix me Mr. SeaCoast? What do you recommend, and how can this problem extend to both my WP applications not related??

    Thread Starter LeeNoga


    Mr. Seacoast, can you re-snap a screen shot and scroll down #8 area of your image so I can see a category check marked. You have already done this screen shot, just one more clarification and you then have done all you can do.

    Your screen shot shows the break as it appears on the first go around.
    Are there other categories the #8 area on your image is not showing?

    Please scroll down your #8 area so I can see checkmark, and screen shoot that please.

    Look forward to your response. Your next image is the ball game and I may just have found my solution! THANK YOU Mr. SeaCoast. I’m hopeful and excited.

    Thread Starter LeeNoga


    Look #8 area on your image, no category marked, do quick edit, it will be checked, note your image it has NO checks

    Thread Starter LeeNoga


    Mr. SeaCoast.

    Thank you for taking the time. You appear to have my error too.

    Note, there are NO category checked. Unless, your cat list scrolls beyond the shot you shared.

    When you slected those items, they do not show their category with box marked in BULK EDIT , if you quick edit, you will see the single item shows its category box marked.

    Bulk edit—> NOT and that is my problem.

    Look quick edit, see category box marked? Repeat in Bulk edit? Nothing checked I bet.

    Thread Starter LeeNoga


    Moderator, I am not soliciting, that was not my point, I have a problem, and I am being told “hire a developer”.

    I have no other people volunteering a point of view..

    I have a problem, I need a solution, and at least I am able to talk to somebody via your forum. This train needs back on track, I apologize for coming across as a forum rule breaking member.

    I have spent 36 hours editing x1 product at a time, I spent yesterday with server down time trying diff software versions. I need my site in commerce and I am crippled without the bulk edit working.

    I have waited for any email from shopping cart developer… I have no where to turn but here. All correspondence has been finger pointing as I sit here editing 1 product at time.

    I apologize for my sensitivity to Mr. SeaCoast coming down on me in a finger point type of way. That seems to be prevalent with my hunt for resolution.

    I mean no trouble, no disrespect.

    It is hard to know what to believe when WP IRC channel on freenode confirmed the error, take it or leave for what that is worth. It just makes me more leary there may be no solution.

    So I am going to resist somebody/developer saying, “No issues”, of course I want them to prove it to me, not saying the WP IRC channel is gospel but they did not dismiss my issues as “user broke it”.

    Hard to trust strangers who in post #3, get a little “edgy”.

    No trouble from me. Much respect for the forum and the contributors.

    Thread Starter LeeNoga


    I apologize for the email. I meant no mal intent.

    I understand the volunteers and those who have used boards to troll new business.

    I am neither. I am a person with a problem. I am not going to hire a developer until they can prove they can do the job. Maybe to many years working on-line, 20 exact….

    I am all for hiring a solution to my problem, but I do not think finger pointing resolves my issues. Don’t think any random developer can fix this.

    I challenge any developer to prove they do not have this bulk edit problem. Once I see this, I can take this to resolution.

    I have a problem, and I need a solution, and tremendous effort has gone into resolving this at many levels. It all points back to WP, sorry to say.

    Please show me via a URL screen shot, you have no issues. I challenge any developer to show me they have no bulk edit issues.

    Why would I want to edit 1 item at a time with an affiliate program importing 10,000 products in.

    Coming here is not out of convenience, I have done extensive efforts to get to root of problem, and I am here as last resort, ALL roads lead to WP issue. There is no where else to turn too, maybe folks don’t need the bulk edit feature and hence don’t care to talk about it.

    I need “bulk” edit, its broken, and I want screen shots I am wrong Mr. SeaCoast, you engaged me and out of respect I simply ask you to show me your the one to hire.

    Thread Starter LeeNoga


    I appreciate your time and trouble. You have moved a piece on the chess game which has narrowed my ability to continue with developing this conversation less hostile, seems perhaps you jumped ahead to finger pointing.

    Could you be so kind as to send me screen shots that bulk edit does show the category marked that you are in?

    a) Manage products
    b) Select 3 items (that are only in 1 category and not multiple cats)
    c) Bulk Edit and look for a checkmark, can you see one
    d) Screen capture & email to me.

    My developer is a “theme” developer who I asked to load a basic theme, no frills on his server, and he had same issue at first glance. He is NOT a code developer.

    I do not have as code developer, I have a problem and I am lost in a maze of finger pointing.

    Shopperpress owner developer says its WP core, hosting company reloads WP core files, honors my request to drop back from PHP 5.3 to 5.2.17. No changes.

    You say its me and my developer. Loading a basic theme with no frills and no plugins on 2 diff servers (one in US and 1 in Europe) with same failure is coincidence?

    You have challenged me as part of the problem, I wish t challenge you and see screen shots to see if indeed you could be my salvation and part of my solution.

    [email redacted]

    Disclosing my site is not relevant at this time, and I am not about to turn over passwords for a “look” until I am confident you know what your talking about.

    It does not take skill to point fingers, it takes greater skill to resolve problems.

    Show me your skills.

    Thread Starter LeeNoga


    Yes, of course, my developer loaded simple theme as a test, no plugins and it failed.

    He went on to research WP tickets and found some interesting discussion on this topic:

    Are you sure, in your test, you can select 3 items in manage products, choose bulk edit and see them “checkmarked” in their respective categories? You don’t need to do any testing passed this.

    We cannot select multi items and see their category name “checked”.

    Can you tell me how we can reproduce your environment to see it work perfect. What PHP version are you using, what WP version you using, and what test theme are you using?

    We have no plugins enabled, we stripped it down to loading child themes basic to test and it fails…

    We are dead end, and need to find out why you work and we do not.

    Im crippled over here. Overwhelmed with product management and NO bulk tool.

    THANK YOU so much for giving me hope.

    Thread Starter LeeNoga


    I meant such a simple concept is horrible when it breaks…I do not even have any clue as to what to do next….

    Thanks for your help, tho.

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