“Much of the panic I’ve seen in the one-star reviews, however, seems completely unfounded to me.” it depend for what you use wordpress. if it is for blogs and small web site, it is not a problem…
if you must apply many style CSS to many object and many pages, a visual builder is not a good thing…. the CSS/LESS/HTML/PHP teehncologies are conceveid in order to render web site easy to modify. you cant with gutenberg.
try to change 10 element per page with inline style in a web site of 30 pages. good luck. the problem is that gutenberg inactives the page property ‘template’ and it’s so more diifficult to do that.
also, if this plug-in hide funtionnality like options of the screen , custom fields, metaboxes, plug-ins like ACF, etc.. if you page don’t contain more than 4 columns…
what sort of site do you build ? i dont understand
my customers need all that things and with gutenberg today, i can’t provide that. maybe tomorow ? if this issues will be corrected. a lot of issues