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  • Thread Starter LaughterOnWater


    Okay, I’ve rolled it back to 1.26.
    I also deactcivated all existing plugins except LNCR, and am still getting the same results, even after clearing the cache, etc.

    I’m at a loss. I now wonder if the problem is not likely your plugin, but something wonky on my side, possibly Chrome.

    It is unfortunate that it seems repeatable on all my sites that use this plugin. Frustration.

    Thread Starter LaughterOnWater


    Tammie Lister (@karmatosed),
    Thanks for your reply! I can understand that many organizations have single-admin WP sites with one person acting as editor and user-interfacer. Many of those admins have no behind-the-scenes skills. Gutenberg might allow someone in this position to have a more fluid interface. However, for those who have admins, editors and authors, as Head Goldfish (@shoelaced) suggests, I don’t want to have to check through each and every author’s post to make sure they haven’t added crazy-purple-zebra 24pt font to every other paragraph because they refuse to learn how to use existing headers or want to evoke their own eclectic bent on a site that is supposed to adhere to a specific corporate aesthetic. As of my original posting:

    • There is no way to remove/restrict capacities on a granular level from editors or authors to ensure adherence to preferred style guidelines. For instance, maybe I want to restrict Authors to specific fonts and colors.
    • It’s all or nothing. I want that to be granular too. For instance,
      maybe only editors should have access to Gutenberg, but not authors. And maybe I want my editors to determine for themselves whether Gutenberg is default.
    • I want to be able to strip Gutenberg cruft out of a document to bring it back to existing WP 4.9.x standards.
    • I know these things will all change and get better. I hope it will remain a plugin until all those things actually are better. Thanks for acknowledging my thoughts. I greatly appreciate it.

    Thread Starter LaughterOnWater


    AITPro, Thanks for your reply. This seems to be the problem.
    I am using share links. Apologies for using the wrong terminology in my original post. Share links are certainly easier.

    I’ve discovered the style in twenty-sixteen that renders the iframe on line 2476 of style.css.

    I copied this edited version of the style:

    /* Make sure embeds and iframes fit their containers. */
    video {
    	margin-bottom: 1.75em;
    	max-width: none;
    	vertical-align: middle;

    into my child theme style sheet just above responsive stuff after testing out your suggestion in Chrome’s inspector.

    This is the result:

    The iframe is nested in a paragraph when I view the source code. For some reason the iframe obeys the 100% dimensions of the paragraph when it’s set to max-width: 100%, but when I make max-width equal to none it spreads across my sidebar. Merely removing it from twenty-sixteen is out of the question, hence my using max-width: none; in the child theme.

    Additionally, I’ve turned off any and all plugins that might have conflicting style sheets, and they don’t seem to be the answer. I wonder if there is a missing </div> somewhere in my child theme…

    I’d be grateful for more suggestions!



    Thread Starter LaughterOnWater


    Thanks for your suggestions, I’ll check it out! However, I’m not sure this is the problem. The black bars appear outside the video, which is already the correct 16:9 ratio. Also, I’m not likely to edit videos placed by other non-profits on youtube. Lastly, the video does not appear this way in the unadulterated original theme, twenty sixteen, leading me to believe the problem is a conflict between poorly-styled plugins. Hence the reason I stuck it in Developer rather than Fixing WP.

    Thread Starter LaughterOnWater



    Thanks for your suggestion! That would be the easiest answer.
    When I log in on a browser on my phone or another computer, the number still pops up.
    I suspect it’s not a caching thing.

    Looking forward to other suggestions, though!

    Thread Starter LaughterOnWater


    FYI, The latest version of Download monitor is now functioning correctly as well.

    Thread Starter LaughterOnWater


    I’ve commented out the global
    // global $dlm_download;
    That seems to have fixed the error.
    The latest version of Download Monitor — 1.9.3 — is now functioning normally.

    Thank you for saving the day.




    Working now. Thanks!



    It seems to be working now. I’m watching it though, because I’m still getting this message:

    BackUpWordPress has detected a problem. wp-cron.php is returning a 403 Forbidden response which could mean cron jobs aren't getting fired properly. BackUpWordPress relies on wp-cron to run scheduled backups, and more generally relies on HTTP loopback connections not being blocked for manual backups. See the FAQ for more details.

    But the previous version worked fine with BulletProof Security, so it’s still problematic. Here are my system settings:

    === Diagnostic Glance 1.0 ===
    WordPress Version: 4.3.1
    == Listed Themes ==
    [a] COOL 2012 - Version 0.1
    [ ] Twenty Fifteen - Version 1.3
    [ ] Twenty Fourteen - Version 1.5
    [ ] Twenty Thirteen - Version 1.6
    4 themes present.
    == Listed Plugins ==
    [a] Anti-spam - Version 4.0
    [a] BackUpWordPress - Version 3.3.1
    [a] BulletProof Security - Version .52.7
    [a] cforms2 - Version 14.9.13
    [a] Clef - Version 2.3.1
    [a] Diagnostic Glance - Version 0.9
    [a] Google Analyticator - Version
    [a] WP Security Audit Log - Version 2.1.1
    8 active plugins out of 8 total.
    == Hosting and System Config ==
    Server: Apache
    PHP Version: 5.6.10
    MySQL Database Version: 5.1.56
    PHP Memory Limit: 256M
    WP Max Memory Limit: 256M
    WP Memory Limit: 40M
    WP Max Upload Size: 64M
    PHP Max Upload Size: 64M
    PHP Post Max Size: 65M
    == WordPress Config ==
    Permalink Structure: /%year%/%monthnum%/%postname%/
    Category Base: topics
    Tag Base: tags
    WP Cache: off
    WP Script Debug: off
    WP Debug Log: off
    WP Debug Display: on
    Display Errors: on
    Log Errors: off
    Error Log Path:
    Concatenate Scripts: undefined
    == User, Page, Post, Comment and Attachments ==
    Administrators: 3
    Editors: 1
    Total Users: 4
    Published Pages: 24
    Draft Pages: 2
    Published Posts: 0
    Draft Posts: 1
    Comments in Moderation: 0
    Comments Approved: 2
    Comments Spam: 1
    Comments Trash: 1
    All Comments: 3
    Images: 14
    Other Media: 13
    All Media: 27


    WP 4.3.1
    Same issues. Also received 403 Forbidden response as outlined here.

    But the current BulletProof WordPress plugin out of the box does not seem to have any conflicts with 3.2.7.

    I’ve reverted the BackupWordPress 3.2.7 until this is fixed.

    Thank you!

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