Thanks for the suggestions, folks.
HandySolo, I liked the SideBlog idea, but don’t know how to determine whether or not my current theme supports it–though I’m sure my current theme (Blue Horizons) offers sidebar widgets support; apparently, not all widgets are created equally, and are not supported just because some are? I’m also not clear on the length limitations of the sideblog “asides.” I know they’re intended for 1-2 sentence posts, but could they be used for as long of posts as I wanted…Not all the quotes that I want to show are that short.
I liked the News Print theme, though I’m very interested in your modifications to it…if you are willing to share, I’d appreciate it (davenj).
I guess, any way I go, I’m going to have to redo some of my hardcoded modifications (performancing metrics, etc.).
Thanks again for your help!