Server/Install Info
Database/Column Check:
Charset (DB_CHARSET): utf8
Collation (DB_COLLATE):
Collation encoding: utf8_general_ci
Table Check:
Table Name: wp_wp_topbar_data
Number of rows in databse: 2
WP-TopBar internal db version: 5.08
Options Check:
Plugin is not using the original Options (wptbAdminOptions)
Plugin is using the DB Options (wptb_db_version)
Plugin is using the new Global Options (wptb_global_options)
Plugin is not using the new Network Options (wptb_network_global_options)
Server Check:
fopen setting is ON
PHP Magic Quotes is OFF
Time Check:
Server Timezone: UTC
Current Time: 03/20/2015 18:39
Current Time (GMT): 03/20/2015 12:39
WordPress GMT Offset: 6
Multisite Check:
Multisite: No