To get the plugin to work with post types you need to find all instances of “post” and replace with “your-custom-post-type”.
BEWARE – Don’t replace “POSTS” or anything similar – just “post”
As Devtard has mentioned it is also relatively easy to modify this for categories.
replace there the “post_tag” parameter with “category”
However if you look at
You will notice: “Hierarchical terms must always pass the id rather than the term name to avoid confusion where there may be another child with the same name.”
This presents a problem as unlike tags categories need to be set with their ID’s
Look for ## ADDING TAGS TO THE POST around line 891
Add something like:
`foreach ($apc_tags_to_add_array as $apc_cat) {
$term = get_term_by(‘name’, $apc_tag, ‘category’);
$apc_tag_ids[] = $term->term_id; }`
This will find the category id’s and output them as an array again:
Then around line 898 / 899 we have:
wp_set_post_terms($post_id, $apc_tags_to_add_array, 'category', true); //append tags
Replace with:
wp_set_post_terms($post_id, $apc_tag_ids, 'category', true); //append tags
Repeat this on the same function immediately below.