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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [ para WooCommerce] Status do Pedido alterados de forma err?nea@denisgomesfranco pois é, mas infelizmente eu n?o tenho conhecimento suficiente para isso. Queria muito saber resolver sozinho, porque a pior coisa é depender da boa vontade de outros e seria inclusive um prazer para ajudar quem tá na mesma. Se você souber alguma solu??o, me avise, pois o suporte n?o dá muita importancia para resolver os problemas vindos dessa plataforma.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [ para WooCommerce] Status do Pedido alterados de forma err?nea@pagarme vcs tem uma previs?o desse conserto? Problema idêntico aqui com os status que eu relatei no passado. Isso está causando diversos problemas na nossa loja, e infelizmente com a mudan?a da api o plugin antigo n?o funciona mais. Precisamos da ajuda de vocês para termos sucesso no processo de vendas!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Simple Googlebot Visit] Plugin returnWoww! Very good! Excellent news! Thanks for the effort.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Kangu para WooCommerce] Woocommerce HPOSAlguém teve resposta sobre a atualiza??o? To migrando uma loja novinha, vou ter que voltar a usar a tabela antiga só por causa desse plugin. Loja toda montada já, inacreditável!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Email Template Customizer for WooCommerce] Custom order status and snippetHello @villasupport ! Thank you for your response! The guide snippet you gave me is actually different, but even using this one, I had no results.
I’m using the custom status plugin (bright plugins) that is included in the case study table, I applied the snippet exactly as explained in the guide using the email id, but I can’t select the email type to proceed because it doesn’t appear. This is my snippet: ID1 = bvos_custom_em-producao and ID2 = bvos_custom_oba-a-caminho
add_filter( ‘viwec_accept_email_type’, function ($email_types) {
$email_types[] = ‘bvos_custom_em-producao’;
$email_types[] = ‘bvos_custom_oba-a-caminho’;
return $email_types;
}, 9999 );Could you tell me where I’m going wrong? Thank you!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Delivery Area link disapear in Portuguese BRHi @carolm29 , sorry for delay!
There is already a translation for the string “Addresses”, but it appears that there has not yet been approval or release for it. What should I do in this case? One of those responsible for the development of woocommerce is Claudio Sanchez himself, who directly contributes to this translation process as he is Brazilian.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Delivery Area link disapear in Portuguese BRHi @carolm29 !
The address label problem has occurred since version 7.4 in woocommerce BR and there are already several requests for fixing, as it is a translation problem. See:
However, since this version, in order for me to fix the problem, I need to access the woocommerce code itself and translate directly into it. Here is the path I use: wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/includes/wc-account-functions.php. Then I locate the Addresses string and change it to “Endere?o” in Brazilian Portuguese. The problem is that I have to change it every time I update as it is overwritten.
See a screenshot using storefront:
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Regarding the problem with the delivery area, it really is a conflict with a Brazilian delivery plugin, so I will need to pass this problem on to the developers so they can fix it. I apologize for not paying attention to this, and I really appreciate your response and commitment.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Delivery Area link disapear in Portuguese BRHi @doublezed2 !
Yes, in English it appears normally. The problem occur only in Portuguese BR. That’s why I believe it’s a translation error, just like addresses, which has been occurring for many versions and has not been corrected.
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The problem is not cache, i′m not using cache in this example.
- This reply was modified 10 months, 2 weeks ago by laserstore.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Kangu para WooCommerce] woocommerce High performance order storagePessoal, entrem no chat da Kangu e pressionem, se tiver mais gente cobrando o processo deve acelerar. Eu recebi email que v?o atualizar mas n?o tem previs?o, ent?o tem que cobrar. é do nosso interesse, mas é deles também!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Kangu para WooCommerce] HPOS WooCommerceRecebi aqui resposta que v?o atualizar, que temos que aguardar mas n?o deram previs?o. Um vacilo total deixar pra depois. Isso já era pra ser compatível há muito tempo.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Kangu para WooCommerce] HPOS WooCommerceEsses caras n?o respondem nada aqui, impressionante como que n?o fazem o mínimo esfor?o para se adequarem ao novo modelo. Tá difícil. HPOS é um recurso indispensável em lojas com muitos dados. Vou tentar contato direto pela plataforma deles.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Force Refresh] Critical ErrorHi @jordanleven!
Has worked! Thank you so much!
Just one question, in the admin bar, it seems that the name is not correct. But it’s working perfectly!
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Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [ para WooCommerce] Ruim demais bicho!@pagarme posso sim falar por email, mas deixe aqui o endere?o de suporte de vocês para contato. Estou em contato com o suporte da plataforma, mas até o momento n?o funcionou.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [QR Code PicPay for WooCommerce] HPOS@dadeke Sugest?es eu enviei dezenas também, mas é exatamente igual, resposta padr?o. No final, teremos que abandonar o meio por falta de suporte deles próprios. Um pena. Todos perdem, inclusive eles!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [QR Code PicPay for WooCommerce] HPOSEi @dadeke que pena! Infelizmente a comunidade n?o se ajuda. Talvez vc possa no futuro receber incentivo do próprio PicPay ou quem sabe atualizar e vender seu plugin ao menos por um valor pequeno para pequenas lojas. Mas entendo vc e agrade?o sua resposta!
Abra?o e boa sorte!