Lara Google Analytics - Support
Forum Replies Created
Hello @a4jpcom,
I have been thinking about ways to workaround this issue.
If you are interested, please open a ticket using our support center, and we’ll test the workarounds together.
Hello @a4jpcom,
The plugin links are displayed as they are retrieved from Google servers.
If the link contains the domain name, it will be displayed with the domain name, if not, the plugin will just display the link path, without the domain name (i.e. /foldername/page.html).
Some users are using the same Google analytics tracking code on multiple domains/sub-domains, and without adding the domain name using the method I described earlier, the plugin will have no idea which domain to use for the links.
I hope it is clear now.
Hello @a4jpcom,
By default, the data in your reports includes only the Request URI and not the domain name:
URL of page:
Request URI: /foldername/page.html
Domain name: https://www.example.comIf you’d like to see the domain name as well as the Request URI in your reports, create an Advanced filter for your view with the following settings:
Filter Type: Custom filter > Advanced
Field A: Hostname
Extract A: (.*)
Field B: Request URI
Extract B: (.*)
Output To: Request URI
Constructor: $A1$B1You can find more information here.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Lara's Google Analytics (GA4)] Graph disappearsFor support related to our Pro version, please open a ticket using our support center.
Also, be sure to always use the latest version of the plugin, which is currently v3.3.1.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Lara's Google Analytics (GA4)] Error undefinedKindly open a ticket using our support center.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Lara's Google Analytics (GA4)] Error undefinedThe widget doesn’t store debug messages, yet when there is an error, you can click on the “debug” link within the error message, which will open a new window, with the full error displayed.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Lara's Google Analytics (GA4)] Error undefinedKindly open a ticket using our support center, and include the “debug” error message.
Please mention your widget versions.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Lara's Google Analytics (GA4)] Graph disappearedHello @peterfz30,
There is a JavaScript error in that plugin, which prevents all dashboard widgets from working fine (not just Lara).
Uncaught TypeError: o is undefined wp-content/plugins/wp-booking-system/assets/js/script-admin.js?ver=2.0.11:349
Kindly, contact the “WP Booking System” developer and report this to him.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Disable Admin Notices individually] Conflicts with Lara’s Google Analytics.Since version 3.2.0 of the widget, we don’t use the admin notice anymore.
If you are still facing issues with recent versions, please contact us.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Lara's Google Analytics (GA4)] Graph Disappeared?If you closed the widget, you can re-enable it by going to your WordPress admin dashboard, click on “Screen Options”, then enable “Lara, Google Analytics Dashboard Widget”.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Lara's Google Analytics (GA4)] Get inform about userHello @raheelg,
After installing and connecting the plugin to your Google Analytics account, on the sessions tab, click on “Users”.
This will show you, how many users have visited your website.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Lara's Google Analytics (GA4)] Error While authorising the pluginHello @gregskiuk,
Kindly open a ticket using our support center, and include the “debug” error message.
Please mention your WordPress and the widget versions.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Lara's Google Analytics (GA4)] Disable tracking of Admin-level users?Hello @pccunny,
Yes, by default, tracking is disabled for all users with “edit_posts” capability and above (i.e, Administrators, Editors, etc.).
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Lara's Google Analytics (GA4)] Disable printing on GA tag to wp_headHello @claytoncollie,
From the settings tab of the widget, you have the option to disable tracking completely, which will prevent the plugin from adding any script to wp_head.
Kindly, let me know if I’m missing something.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Lara's Google Analytics (GA4)] Database error on installation with ComposerHello @claytoncollie,
Adding a database check with each page/plugin request doesn’t seem to be a good idea, as it’ll add unnecessary extra calls to the database.
If you are auto-activating the plugin using a custom mechanism, you can create a “mu-plugin”, which loads before all other plugins, and use it to either run the activation hook(s) or just create the required database entries.
With that said, we’ll be thinking of better ways to handle cases like this.