And to give more infos….
It seems from screenshots given by the author that the title could be displayed on miniatures AND on the openned lightbox.
The video “how to create image gallery” given on the ultimate shortcode main page is not helpfull for this point…
1/ I never found the first managing page “quickpress” in my admin side.
2/ I have effectivelly the button “insert shortcode” when I create an article. I can select “gallerie” to open the same window “All shortcodes > Gallery” as the video.
BUT, I do not have any link to manage galleries on the source selection area !!!
3/ From admin page , if I go into <> Shortcodes in left menu, I have only 3 sheets “about”, “settings” “custom CSS” but no “Galleries” or “Cheatsheet” as the video shows
Can you please say me if another plugin is missing, or if this functionnality was removed since (video posted in 2013) ?