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Look buddy, this is the real world. I was hired to help my client upgrade their site. They had your plugin installed and dozens of ads already configured. Perhaps the plugin was older than your upgrade script allows, but uninstalling and starting over was not an option. I feel compelled to point out that if there was a cutoff, a good plugin developer would let users know that their version was too old to upgrade instead of letting them do it and breaking their site.
Whatever the previous version was, whether it was before or after your imaginary cutoff, upgrading to the latest version did break the site because none of those columns were added during the upgrade. In order to restore the site without wiping out all my client’s previous work, I had to add the missing columns. If you don’t like it, too bad so sad, but that’s what I had to do and I stand firmly by my statements above. My fix was very simple and may help others who run into the same problem I did.
I stupidly thought I might even help you. But instead of incorporating my code or ignoring my post altogether, you keep telling me I’m wrong, which reflects poorly on you and your products. If my client wanted to go Pro or use another of your products, I would tell them nope. I can only imagine what a nightmare support tickets must be.
But you do you… ??
It’s weird that you’re picking a fight over this and blaming me for a bug in your product when I’m just trying to help others (and you).
The columns are indeed created when the plugin is first activated if the tables do not already exist. However, if the tables already exist, the columns are not added during upgrade.
For example,adrotate_groups.page_par
is created inadrotate_setup.php:404
, but it is not added to the table during an upgrade if the table already exists. If this is incorrect, please point us to the file and line where it is added.Also, the version (5.11) of the plugin available for download on your website is behind the version (5.12.2) in the WP plugin directory.
Perhaps our plugin version was older than when you added the columns. They are not in the upgrade function as far as I can tell, and they weren’t added when I updated, thus my post. Be well.
I’m not sure how I did the update ‘wrong’. I clicked the update link like every other plugin. I also tried to manually update as you suggested. But those columns are not included in the upgrade function as far as I can tell. Perhaps you could provide the location? It seems other people are having the same issue and I’m just trying to help them out.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Gravity Forms Constant Contact] Invalid Username/PasswordIn our case the problem wasn’t in the plugin but with our server. We were lacking the php5-simplexml module in our PHP installation, which is used by the plugin to parse the CC XML response to a PHP object.
Thanks, I purchased the Pro version. You might mention on your doc page that this only works for Pro and not for free. I spent a few hours banging my head against the wall. Nice plugin, though.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Random Post order not working with pagination/** * Randomize posts, keeping same order on subsequent Home page and single post views * if referer is within the site. Home page will randomize again if reloaded. * * @global $_GET['order'] default or 'random' sets random, 'date' sets date. * * @param string $orderby_statement * @return string Modified orderby statement */ function edit_posts_orderby($orderby_statement) { if(!is_admin()){ switch ($_GET['order']) { case "date": break; case "random": default: if(!isset($_SESSION['seed'])) { echo 'New Grid'; $_SESSION['new_request'] = true; } else { // $refesh_flag will be true if $request_signatures match between page loads. $request_signature = md5($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'].implode('',$_POST)); // $interior_flag will be true if the last page URL contains the base url but is not the base url. $interior_flag = is_int(strpos(wp_get_referer(),home_url())) && home_url() != wp_get_referer(); // if we are home AND the page has been refreshed AND the last page was not an interior page, // unset the seed and flag as a new request so the grid will appear the same upon return. if(is_home() && $_SESSION['last_request'] == $request_signature && $interior_flag == true){ //echo 'True'; unset($_SESSION['seed']); $_SESSION['new_request'] = true; } else { //echo 'False'; $_SESSION['new_request'] = false; $_SESSION['last_request'] = $request_signature; } } $seed = $_SESSION['seed']; if (empty($seed)) { $seed = rand(); $_SESSION['seed'] = $seed; } $orderby_statement = 'RAND('.$seed.')'; } } return $orderby_statement; }
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Random Post order not working with paginationThere’s a logic bug in the function which will prevent the random seed from being reset if the page is home or if the referrer is not within the site. Updated code to come.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Random Post order not working with paginationYou could probably modify this function as such:
/** * Randomize posts, keeping same order on subsequent Home page and single post views * if referer is within the site. Home page will randomize again if reloaded. * * @global $_GET['order'] default or 'random' sets random, 'date' sets date. * * @param string $orderby_statement * @return string Modified orderby statement */ function edit_posts_orderby($orderby_statement) { if(!is_admin()){ switch ($_GET['order']) { case "date": break; case "random": default: if(is_home() && !wp_get_referer()) unset($_SESSION['seed']); $seed = $_SESSION['seed']; if (empty($seed)) { $seed = rand(); $_SESSION['seed'] = $seed; } $orderby_statement = 'RAND('.$seed.')'; } } return $orderby_statement; }
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Random Post order not working with paginationI think I have this working. The second function is a template tag you can use in single.php for next and previous posts link to replace the native WP version. I made it wrap from last to first post and vice versa. If you don’t want it to wrap, you’ll need to change the logic a little after this line: ‘// Find the index of the next/prev items’
// Randomly order posts upon home page load and allow pagination add_filter('posts_orderby', 'edit_posts_orderby'); /** * Randomize posts, keeping same order on subsequent Home page and single post views * if referer is within the site. Home page will randomize again if reloaded. * * @param string $orderby_statement * @return string Modified orderby statement */ function edit_posts_orderby($orderby_statement) { if(!is_admin()){ if(is_home() && !wp_get_referer()) unset($_SESSION['seed']); $seed = $_SESSION['seed']; if (empty($seed)) { $seed = rand(); $_SESSION['seed'] = $seed; } $orderby_statement = 'RAND('.$seed.')'; } return $orderby_statement; } /** * Display adjacent post link with random seed. * * @param string $format * @param string $link * @param bool $previous */ function get_randomized_adjacent_post_link($format='? %link', $link='%title', $previous = true, $echo = true) { global $wpdb, $post; $seed = $_SESSION['seed']; $query = "SELECT {$wpdb->posts}.ID FROM {$wpdb->posts} WHERE {$wpdb->posts}.post_type = 'post' AND {$wpdb->posts}.post_status = 'publish' ORDER BY RAND($seed)"; $results = $wpdb->get_col($query); $current_index = array_search($post->ID, $results); // Find the index of the next/prev items if($previous) { $id = $results[($current_index - 1 < 0 ) ? count($results) - 1 : $current_index - 1]; } else { $id = $results[($current_index + 1 == count($results)) ? 0 : $current_index + 1]; } $rel = $previous ? 'prev' : 'next'; $title = get_the_title($id); $string = '<a href="'.get_permalink($id).'" rel="'.$rel.'">'; $link = str_replace('%title', $title, $link); $link = $string . $link . '</a>'; $format = str_replace('%link', $link, $format); $adjacent = $previous ? 'previous' : 'next'; $the_link = apply_filters( "{$adjacent}_post_link", $format, $link ); if($echo) echo $the_link; else return $the_link; }
Elliot, is this related to I’ve installed your last two updates (3.3.1) and I’m still getting an unresponsive script error on admin pages that use ACF:
A script on this page may be busy, or it may have stopped responding. You can stop the script now, open the script in the debugger, or let the script continue.
I also use the relationship field and have over 40,000 postmeta records using this field.
Since CFT and ACF both use the WP postmeta table, yes you can fairly easily switch between the two. However, you’ll probably have to rewrite your template tags when you switch to ACF unless you stick to the WP custom fields API. I’ve not noticed any problems with ACF and other plugins.
If you can wait for him to return from holiday in the next few days I have no doubt that the ACF plugin author will fix his plugin. He’s a very capable coder.
If you can’t, try CFT. It won’t take more than a few hours to get up to speed and while it can’t do everything ACF does, it served me well for quite a while before I found ACF.
This looks like a pretty good tutorial to get you started:
I haven’t tried it but it does look like ACF-lite. It appears to be missing some of the functionality of ACF and it creates extra database tables, which makes it harder to use the native WP API to retrieve fields. But it definitely looks easier to use than CFT.