Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Yoast SEO] Keyword densitiy is always 0%Same here! It had been working until just recently, I was working on a post that has my keyword in the text at least 3 times, but the density is saying 0%. Thanks!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [The Events Calendar] Events List Widget – Numbered ListFigured it out! Fixed it by setting the list-style-type attribute to “none.” Still don’t know why it showed up as an ol in the first place, but it must be something to do with the framework I’m using.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [The Events Calendar] Events List Widget – Numbered ListThe only thing I can figure is that it’s something to do with my theme (I’m using the Ultimatum Framework). Here’s a screenshot of just the widget itself. This is really frustrating because I’ve used TEC several times, and this is the first time I’ve had this issue.
And here’s the relevant code:
<div class="widget tribe-events-list-widget inner-container"> <h3 class="element-title"></h3> <ol class="hfeed vcalendar"> <li class="tribe-events-list-widget-events hentry vevent type-tribe_eve…arfix tribe-events-category-craft-show tribe-events-venue-45"></li> <li class="tribe-events-list-widget-events hentry vevent type-tribe_events post-48 tribe-clearfix tribe-events-venue-49"></li> <li class="tribe-events-list-widget-events hentry vevent type-tribe_eve…arfix tribe-events-category-craft-show tribe-events-venue-51"></li> <li class="tribe-events-list-widget-events hentry vevent type-tribe_eve…arfix tribe-events-category-craft-show tribe-events-venue-53"> <!-- Event Title --> <h4 class="entry-title summary"></h4> <!-- Event Time --> <div class="duration"></div> </li> <li class="tribe-events-list-widget-events hentry vevent type-tribe_eve…arfix tribe-events-category-craft-show tribe-events-venue-55"></li> </ol> <!-- .hfeed --> <p class="tribe-events-widget-link"></p> </div>
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Custom Team Manager] Content between teamsThanks for this, unfortunately I can’t seem to get it to work. My code reads like this:
[team-members category=”current”]
Friends of Sanivation
[team-members category=”previous”]Unfortunately, it is not rendering correctly. Could you possibly look at the page source of and tell me if I’m missing something?
Thanks again!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [PopupAlly] Feature RequestOh, duh! Thanks!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form 7] No longer receiving any contact forms from my websiteI just installed this plugin today, and it took 4 different test emails for me to get it to work. It acts like you can’t receive messages at the same email address you use for WordPress admin, which is really annoying. I also discovered, by mistake, that you can’t send a message from the same email address that you have set to receive the messages. Understandable, I guess.
I would really like to be able to use Contact Form 7 without having to change my admin email address or have to set up another email address specifically for this purpose. The email address I have set up as my admin is the email address I have set particularly for this website.
I would hate to have to go look for a different plugin just so I can use my preferred email. It seems like this would be the one feature that would be consistent across all contact form plugins.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Fruitful] info_box and headerIf you go to Appearance > Theme Options, you’ll find a whole list of tabs that will let you edit the look of your site. There is one option to set up the home page with dummy content like in the demo that you can do ONE time. If you opt for that, save, and then open your home page, the shortcodes for everything should be in place, and you can edit your content between the short codes.
[description]This is where your description will go.[/description]
[info_box_area columns_count=”4″]This is where all the columnar information goes. You can change the count to 1, 2, 3, or 4 to determine how many columns you want to have. Then each column will have its own shortcode, as well.[/info_box_area]
Hope this helps. I’d also recommend using the suggested Maintenance plugin, because it puts a “under construction” screen up, so that people don’t see the site as you’re working. See mine for an example:
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Arcade Basic] Change Widget Bullet ColorsThanks for this. I’m actually quite familiar with developer consoles, but sometimes there is a LOT of code to comb through. And I swear I tried this, it didn’t work, but now it did, which is what counts. Thanks again!
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Arcade Basic] "See More" Removable?I tried this, but it didn’t work until I added the only-on-home class. So the code looks like this. (Child theme CSS).
.only-on-home #more-site { display: none; }
Just thought I’d put that out there in case anyone else had that issue. Thanks for this theme!