La M
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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Sublevel landing page – gallery menu of pagesAh well
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Sublevel landing page – gallery menu of pagesAm happy to do that, is my code up to scratch?
Is this fixed now? Is the plugin safe to install? The latest version seems to date from 7th May so presumably not.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Social Crowd] [Plugin: Social Crowd] Facebook friendsAlso, would be a great addition if you could choose to show profile photos of friends and fans, so there would be no need to use an additional facebook plugin.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Social Crowd] [Social Crowd] Nothing shows upI also got the same error as sellarsc with a brand new install of WP, and my host has confirmed that cURL is installed.
The problem seemed to be caused by the Social Crowd IDs in wp-admin/options-general.php?page=social-crowd/social_crowd.php
not being retained if you enter the whole url as advised by the field tooltips. When you return to the page, the urls have been truncated.But if you just enter the ID part of your network urls, they are saved properly and the output seems to work.
You are probably trying to create a Zotpress “Group” Account rather than a “User” Account. So you need to use the Zotero GROUP ID and not User ID.
You can find your Zotero Group ID by making your group private and viewing its url.
For full steps, see
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: panorama theme – where is the page idDid you manage to exclude pages in the panorama theme? I can’t get it to work. Thanks
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Excluding pages from nav – Panorama themeHi Liz
You can set which pages you want to exclude automatically under Appearance > Panorama Theme Options (/wp-admin/themes.php?page=functions.php)
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Excluding pages from navigation menuThanks MichaelH for pointing out where the function is.There are actually two different buildMenu functions in this page.
Unfortunately the pages aren’t being excluded when I do as you’ve suggested above.
load_theme_textdomain(‘panorama’);// Widgets
if(function_exists(‘register_sidebar’)) {register_sidebar(array(
‘name’ => __(‘Sidebar’),‘before_widget’ => ‘<li id=”%1$s” class=”widget %2$s”>’,
‘after_widget’ => ”,
‘before_title’ => ‘<h3>’,
‘after_title’ => ‘</h3>’,));
add_filter(‘comments_template’, ‘legacy_comments’);
function legacy_comments($file) {
if ( !function_exists(‘wp_list_comments’) )
$file = TEMPLATEPATH . ‘/legacy.comments.php’;
return $file;
}define(AP_LAYOUT, ‘r’);
define(AP_LINKCOLOUR, ‘#454673’);
define(AP_HOVERCOLOUR, ‘#4B5BAD’);
define(AP_HEADERIMAGE, ‘a_rome_street.jpg’);function buildMenu(){
$mo = ap_getPageMenuOrder();
$exc = get_option(‘ap_pagesOmit’);$excString = (!empty($exc)) ? ‘&exclude=’ . $exc : ”;
wp_list_pages(‘exclude=424,429,432title_li=&sort_column=’.$mo. ‘&depth=-1’. $excString);
return NULL;
}function ap_add_theme_page() {
global $wpdb;$errorFlag = false;
if ($_GET[‘page’] == basename(__FILE__)) {// save settings
if ( ‘save’ == $_REQUEST[‘action’] ) {if (valid_colour($_REQUEST[‘ap_linkColour’])){
update_option(‘ap_linkColour’, $_REQUEST[‘ap_linkColour’]);
} else {
$errorFlag = true;
}if (valid_colour($_REQUEST[‘ap_hoverColour’])){
update_option(‘ap_hoverColour’, $_REQUEST[‘ap_hoverColour’]);
} else {
$errorFlag = true;
}if (($_REQUEST[‘ap_pageMenuOrder’] == ‘menu’) ||
($_REQUEST[‘ap_pageMenuOrder’] == ‘alpha’) ||
($_REQUEST[‘ap_pageMenuOrder’] == ‘pageid’)
update_option(‘ap_pageMenuOrder’, $_REQUEST[‘ap_pageMenuOrder’]);
} else {
$errorFlag = true;
}if (checkPagesOmit($_REQUEST[‘ap_pagesOmit’])){
update_option(‘ap_pagesOmit’, trim($_REQUEST[‘ap_pagesOmit’]));
} else {
$errorFlag = true;
}$ap_includeHome = (isset($_REQUEST[‘ap_includeHome’])) ? ‘0’: ‘1’;
update_option(‘ap_includeHome’, $ap_includeHome);
$ap_headerRotate = (isset($_REQUEST[‘ap_headerRotate’])) ? ‘0’: ‘1’;
update_option(‘ap_headerRotate’, $ap_headerRotate);
$ap_dateTimeFormat = (isset($_REQUEST[‘ap_dateTimeFormat’])) ? ‘0’: ‘1’;
update_option(‘ap_dateTimeFormat’, $ap_dateTimeFormat);
update_option(‘ap_rssUrl’, attribute_escape(trim($_REQUEST[‘ap_rssUrl’])));
update_option(‘ap_twitterName’, attribute_escape(trim($_REQUEST[‘ap_twitterName’])));
update_option(‘ap_headerImage’, attribute_escape(trim($_REQUEST[‘ap_headerImage’])));$ap_layout = ($_REQUEST[‘ap_layout’] == ‘l’) ? ‘l’:’r’;
update_option(‘ap_layout’, $ap_layout);// goto theme edit page
header(“Location: themes.php?page=functions.php&error=true”);
} else {
header(“Location: themes.php?page=functions.php&saved=true”);
}// reset defaults
} else if(‘reset’ == $_REQUEST[‘action’]) {
delete_option(‘ap_includeHome’);header(“Location: themes.php?page=functions.php&reset=true”);
}add_theme_page(__(‘Panorama Theme Options’,’panorama’), __(‘Panorama Theme Options’,’panorama’), ‘edit_themes’, basename(__FILE__), ‘ap_theme_page’);
include(TEMPLATEPATH . ‘/library/theme_options.php’);
include(TEMPLATEPATH . ‘/library/formFunctions.php’);add_action(‘admin_menu’, ‘ap_add_theme_page’);
function valid_colour($var){
$regex = ‘^#([a-f]|[A-F]|[0-9]){6}^’;
return preg_match($regex,$var);
}function ap_linkColour() {
$tc = get_option(‘ap_linkColour’);
return (empty($tc)) ? AP_LINKCOLOUR : $tc;
}function ap_hoverColour() {
$hc = get_option(‘ap_hoverColour’);
return (empty($hc)) ? AP_HOVERCOLOUR: $hc;
}function ap_getPageMenuOrder() {
switch (get_option(‘ap_pageMenuOrder’)){
case (‘alpha’):
$mo = ‘post_title’;
break;case (‘pageid’):
$mo = ‘ID’;
$mo = ‘menu_order’;
}return $mo;
}function checkPagesOmit($str){
if (empty($str)) return true;
$regex = ‘/^[0-9 ,]+$/’;
return preg_match($regex,$str);
}function ap_rssLink(){
$link = get_option(‘ap_rssUrl’);
return (!empty($link)) ? $link : get_bloginfo(‘rss2_url’);
}function ap_twitterLink(){
$name = get_option(‘ap_twitterName’);
return (!empty($name)) ? sprintf(‘<img style=”vertical-align:-3px;” alt=”Twitter” src=”%s/images/twitter.gif” height=”16″ width=”16″ /> %s %s Twitter | ‘, get_bloginfo(‘template_directory’), $name, $name, get_bloginfo(‘name’), __(‘on’,’panorama’)) : ”;
function findImageFile(){
$dir = TEMPLATEPATH . ‘/header_images’;
if(function_exists(‘scandir’)) {
$ap_files = deDotifyFiles(scandir($dir));
} else {$dh = opendir($dir);
while (false !== ($filename = readdir($dh))) {
$ap_files[] = $filename;
$ap_files = deDotifyFiles($ap_files);
return $ap_files;
}function deDotifyFiles($files){
while(($n = array_search(‘.’,$files)) > -1)
while(($n = array_search(‘..’,$files)) > -1)
return $files;
}function ap_headerImage(){
$imageFile = (get_option(‘ap_headerRotate’) == 0) ?
ap_headerImageStatic();if (!empty($imageFile) && file_exists(TEMPLATEPATH.’/header_images/’.$imageFile)) {
return sprintf(‘background: url(“%s/header_images/%s”) top center no-repeat;’,get_bloginfo(‘template_directory’), $imageFile);} else {
return ‘background: green;’;
function ap_headerImageStatic(){
$imageFile = get_option(‘ap_headerImage’);
if (empty($imageFile)){
foreach (findImageFile() as $img) {if ($img != ‘.’ && $img != ‘..’ && file_exists(TEMPLATEPATH.’/header_images/’.$img)){
$imageFile = $img;
return $imageFile;
}function ap_headerImageDynamic(){
$imgs = findImageFile();
if(!is_array($imgs)) return ”;
return $imgs[0];
}function ap_buildMenu(){
$mo = ap_getPageMenuOrder();
$exc = get_option(‘ap_pagesOmit’);$excString = (!empty($exc)) ? ‘&exclude=’ . $exc : ”;
wp_list_pages(‘title_li=&sort_column=’.$mo. ‘&depth=0’. $excString);
return NULL;
}function ap_layout(){
$layout = get_option(‘ap_layout’);
echo (!empty($layout)) ? $layout : ‘r’;
return NULL;
}$ap_dateFormat = get_option(‘date_format’);
$ap_timeFormat = (get_option(‘ap_dateTimeFormat’) == 0) ? ‘ ‘ . get_option(‘time_format’) : ”;$ap_dateTimeFormat = $ap_dateFormat . $ap_timeFormat;
?>Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Excluding pages from nav menuI need to do the same thing, but I don’t have this <?php wp_list_pages?> line in my header.php.
I have a couple of legal pages that I don’t want listed in my top horizontal menu.
I think the relevant code is:
<?php if (get_option(‘ap_includeHome’) == 0){ ?>
<li class=”<?php if (((is_home()) && !(is_paged())) or (is_archive()) or (is_single()) or (is_paged()) or (is_search())) { ?>current_page_item<?php } else { ?>page_item<?php } ?>”>/”><?php _e(‘Home’) ; ?>
<?php } ?>
<?php ap_buildMenu(); ?>Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: need help asap!!! Please help me with my problem!I would deactivate all your plugins if I were you and reactivate them one by one testing each in turn.
Likewise, getting the same problem in the Widgets dashboard: can’t add or remove widgets from the sidebar since upgrading to 2.8.
Webpage error details
Message: Permission denied
Line: 19
Char: 27021
Code: 0
URI:,utils&ver=d24248fe4b0cd62086633fd42ef1019bForum: Plugins
In reply to: Solution For Letting Users Upload Photos/VideosDid you get a solution to this?
I’d like to do the same thing – allow users to register and then to upload videos and images and to comment on each others if possible.
Can anyone advise?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Ping?!Are you an WP administrator? It sounds like you’re not seeing all of your admin options.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: When does WP ping ?I have in my WordPress settings box, but I was looking on the technorati site and they say you should use,
Does anyone know which is correct?
I was also doing a search on technorati for my blog and nothing was found. Why is this?
I have been getting lots of spam though so it’s obviously being found by something.