I am having this problem as well – I am running WP on a Windows Home Server with Power Pack 3 and IIS 6.0. My FSREP version is 1.02.02 and WP is v3.0.1. Basically, the Listings link works fine but the ” View more details of this listing” link is broken. It displays a “Page Cannot Be Found” error message when clicked. Once I am on the file not found error page, if I type “index.php” into the URL path as shown:
Error Page:
If I add “index.php” to make it look like:
and it will work. This problem seems to be linked to how the “Site Address URL” and “WordPress URL” addresses are listed because if I add “index.php” to “Site Address” a bunch of other stuff breaks but the image will then show up. Any ideas on how to fix this issue on a Windows Server?
Thank you!