Kyle Numann
Forum Replies Created
Thank you @missveronicatv for the quick response, that helps me along my way.
I think I had misunderstood how UM handled file uploads. I thought they were abstracting the uploaded filename in the database/front-end only… but now as I investigate, I see that the uploaded files are saved in the filesystem with their abstracted file names (at wp-content/uploads/ultimatemember/{userID}/filename.
I guess the UM ‘download link’ method changes the filename back to the original dynamically during the download process? So, if I was just looking to get a static web link to the file, the best I can do is link to the ‘wp-content/uploads/ultimatemember/{userID}/…’ location with the abstracted filename, unless I also want to develop a custom file renaming convention?
If so, that is better than nothing. Just want to check that I am correct in my observations. Thanks again.
Okay, quick follow-up: After more testing, it appears that changing the option from “Yes” to “No” and saving will indeed disable the cover images for that profile form – HOWEVER, the option on the form editing page does not update to reflect this: it still shows “Yes”, and if you save the form options page (without again selecting “No” form this option field) it will save this option back as “Yes”.
Hope this helps.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Post Types Order] Curious Error after moving siteThanks for the reply.
My first suspicion was a file upload error, so I have tried the wordpress core update, as well as deleting and re-installing the plugin.
The javascript error only shows on the re-order page, so no it does not appear on other admin pages, nor when the plugin is de-activated. The error also shows when Post Types Order is the only plugin installed.
I’ve also got the taxonomy order plugin installed, and it is giving similar errors:
Unknown RPC service: widget-interactive-I0_1370557440890 cb=gapi.loaded_0:115 Uncaught Error: Syntax error, unrecognized expression: unsupported pseudo: data load-scripts.php:2 nt.error load-scripts.php:2 nt.selectors.filter.PSEUDO load-scripts.php:2 ht load-scripts.php:2 nt.compile load-scripts.php:2 vt load-scripts.php:2 g.querySelectorAll.vt load-scripts.php:2 nt load-scripts.php:2 v.fn.extend.find load-scripts.php:2 e.widget._removeCurrentsFromItems load-scripts.php:19 (anonymous function) load-scripts.php:9 e.widget._mouseCapture load-scripts.php:19 (anonymous function) load-scripts.php:9 e.widget._mouseDown load-scripts.php:14 (anonymous function) load-scripts.php:9 (anonymous function) load-scripts.php:14 v.event.dispatch load-scripts.php:2 o.handle.u
Any other ideas about what could be causing this? I can re-order the posts on my local install of the site and then import the db to the web which works but once I upload the site files and try to use the plugin, no luck.
Thanks again for the help.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: how to integrate html/php page to wordpresThe code and an explaination was available in the link I had posted.
This is the bit of code
Template Name: Custom Page Template
?>Put it at the top of the main php file (which you have as index.php at the moment) then on the page editing screen you will have an option to select custom page template as the template for that page’s content.
This method will include your custom page template, but it will be inside the wordpress theme’s main elements… your theme header will be written, then your custom page template and then the theme footer.
I’m not explaining it as well as the codex can though, check that link for more info.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: how to integrate html/php page to wordpresAlso you would need to update the relative location of your stylesheet with
href="<?php bloginfo('template_url'); ?>/style.css"
as well as renaming style.css to something like custom_style.css because your theme will already have a style.css
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: how to integrate html/php page to wordpresif you rename your index.php file to something like custom_page_template.php you can upload it to your current theme’s folder. Then just add a short bit of code at the top to identify this page as a page template.
After that you can create a page in wordpress admin, and select this template from the page options screen.
See more: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Really erratic behavior for TinyMCE after WP updateI tried re-uploading the core files, no luck. I was going to try a second time to make sure all the files were there, and I thought first I’d try an easy fix… installed the CKEditor for the first time… problem is gone. Not to mention CKEditor comes with some great features (custom button configuration right from the wp admin area, easy custom styles)
So, not really a fix, but I like the CKEditor enough that it may be in my stock install arsenal from now on.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Really erratic behavior for TinyMCE after WP updateIs there a way to manually re-install TinyMCE? Anyone else experience this before?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Admin password reset Through the automatic emailerLooks like a self-hosted install.. was this site created for you by someone else?
Also, have you been able to log in before, or is this your first time?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Admin password reset Through the automatic emailerAre you using a hosted site? Or did someone else set up a self-hosted wordpress installation for you?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: why does my header text become smaller?This is how the site looks to me… are you referring to the text circled in red? It stays the same for me on all your pages.
The screenshot: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: why does my header text become smaller?Do you have a link to the site?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Admin password reset Through the automatic emailerSounds like it may be configured to send to a different email address. Do you have ftp access to the files, or access to the database through phpmyadmin?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Really erratic behavior for TinyMCE after WP updateThanks esmi, I’ve tried that, as well as trying other browsers and other computers, still getting the erratic behavior.
Interestingly, when I log in as another user the editing window is the regular size, but the funky editing behavior still persists.
Any other ideas? Thanks again.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [P2] Hide the Author NameWell.. since the author’s name is the only link in the h4 tag, you could do
.post h4:first-child a { display:none; }
This way only the first h4 with a link will be affected.