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  • Thread Starter kyjus25


    Yes, that is correct!

    Currently I’ve just reproduced the fields in ACF, but it would be much better to have that shipping page automatically grab the rates dynamically so the admin doesn’t need to change the rates in 2 places.

    Hopefully this is do-able. I couldn’t even figure out how to do it with native WooCommerce rate options. All I could find were ways to use the cart data, but I’d like this page to show both United States and Canada, regardless of the cart.

    Thanks for your help!

    Of course, my pleasure! Have a great rest of your day!!!

    Awesome! So you’re already 2 steps ahead of me! ??

    If you’re trying to keep those pages minimal, you might opt for some blog posts as a way to generate some traffic. A simple blog post with some target words and a simple “View my gallery!” link will go a long way. Using external sites will also help, like linking your home page from places like Facebook. The more of these “link backs” you have, the more Google will favor your site over others. You can also set up a Google My Business account. That will definitely increase your searchability. Put a little bio in there and you’ll be all set. It’s a bit of a process though. Google will send you a postcard to your business address with a code that you have to enter to prove that you own the business. Then your business will show up for anybody searching for photography in your area

    Ok, so photography portfolios are unfortunately very tricky to SEO since photos are not targeted by SEO. Content is what search engines see most important. SSL certificate, mobile friendly design, and load time all tie for second place. Basically, the home page isn’t showing up because there is no content on it, so Google isn’t deeming it relevant to your search. Typing “” into google will yield the about page first because it is the page with the most words (and shows up twice within the content of that page).

    My guess as to why searching for “Anna Wickham Photography” shows this particular image page is because those exact words show up in the black footer of that page. No other pages on the site have this footer, so Google is trying to show you what it thinks is most relevant.

    You’ll need to put more words into the site for Google to be able to crawl it better. Throughout the site, use words that you know people will be searching for. These are called target words. In your case, words like “local”, “photography”, “affordable”. If you’re able to add some descriptions to your images, I’d do that too. Generating a sitemap will also help Google out. The popular Yoast plugin will be able to generate an XML one for you. You’ll want to put that site map in Google Search Console.

    Hope that is able to give you a step in the right direction. If you have any more questions let me know! SEO is definitely not an easy thing to do. Google’s algorithm changes quite frequently.

    I may be able to help, are you still having both of the issues you posted?

    I’ll need the domain name and the steps to reproduce the issue. Most likely you may be having similar issues as the OP, but I won’t be able to tell until I can look a little deeper.

    Thread Starter kyjus25


    That did it! Thanks a ton for the help!!! I didn’t even think of grabbing it that way!

    No problem! Glad you found it! Have a great rest of your day!

    If you deactivate all your plugins, does the modal still work?

    If it does still work, you might try checking the functions.php of the active theme, perhaps the shortcode is created there. Just do a search inside the PHP file for “modalform”.

    Personally I usually use, but you have to leave off the ending .com of your BASE_URL otherwise it will catch that you’re changing your root URL and ask that you first save it as an SQL dump. if you are strategic with your URL replacing it shouldn’t catch that you’re replacing your URL and let you save the changes directly to your database.

    You ARE logged in, so that’s good. Try dumping in a clean WordPress into there and see if that helps. Perhaps there are just some file permissions causing a hickup in the PHP. You’ll want to take out your wp-content and wp-config.php and paste in a fresh WordPress. Then just paste in your wp-content and wp-config.php and it should take right off as if nothing happened. That’s basically all a typical WordPress update does.

    If that doesn’t work, I would suggest trying a complete fresh install without your database or config file and migrate the files using a backup plugin instead. That way you can check that the admin panel DID work before the migrate takes place.

    Does your domain (that the subdomain is connected to) also have WordPress installed that your wp-admin may be falling through to?

    I would definitely say a clean fresh empty install of WordPress would definitely be the path to take from here. That way you can test the knowns. When your ready, export your backups from your dev site and import them into your empty WordPress.

    Were you using an SEO plugin when Google crawled the site that you’re no longer using? That may have caused the issue. The SEO plugin could have added a meta title tag to your pages that caused the issue.

    Hard to say, but your title definitely doesn’t contain that text anymore.

    Very strange. Does the WordPress admin bar show up on the front end of the site? That would prove you are successfully logged in. I would suggest creating a new user through WordPress (or setting it up directly through the database) and then upgrading it’s user role in the database to an admin. Some posts I’ve read online suggest that possibly the users table was corrupted in the move. Here’s some instructions on adding a user directly through the database if your WordPress doesn’t allow adding users through the front end.

    Check your .htaccess file in the root of your WordPress and make sure it doesn’t still have your old subdomain in there. It may be hidden, I know FileZilla will show it. Make sure anywhere inside that .htaccess file has “https://” instead of the old “https://”. It may be the default WordPress .htaccess where there are no http or https, but it may also have the subdomain example on WordPress’ codex. That looks like it may only be for multisite.

    Setting $_SERVER[‘HTTPS’]=’on’ and define(‘FORCE_SSL_ADMIN’, true) shouldn’t be necessary. The site should work just fine without it. You will, however, want to make sure all images and files are loaded in under HTTPS otherwise you’ll get a mixed content error. Adding this to the very top of my .htaccess file usually fixes this issue: Header always set Content-Security-Policy: upgrade-insecure-requests Otherwise you can just do a find/replace of all https://yourdomain to https://yourdomain using a plugin to correct your database

    Pasting the unicode character should do the trick. Replacing the “info” text with this horse won’t do the trick? ?

    I would suggest a better alternative would be to you use free icon library called Font Awesome. You should be able to find a similar icon that you need there. There should be some documentation on how to set up the CDN on their website.

    Furthermore, just as a recommendation. You shouldn’t need do_shortcode, there’s no shortcode in your string. a regular echo statement should suffice. This may, actually, fix your problem if do_shortcode() is escaping some characters.

    +1 for Meta Slider

    It appears the “- Skip to content” was inside the page’s <title> tags.
    It appears the problem has been resolved, however Google will take a little while to recrawl the site. Word on the grapevine is if you add your site to Google Analytics and also add it under Google Search Console, Google will be more apt to recrawl the site faster. Unfortunately there is no way to speed up this process.

    This is not the shortcode for contact form 7, this is probably a popup maker and the CF7’s shortcode is placed into the content of that popup.

    In the list of plugins, are there any that scream I’m a modal maker! that could possibly be where this shortcode is created from?

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