Forum Replies Created
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Ideas Forum/Communication ChannelsThe points demetris makes are valid, as a user/developer not knowing where WP wants to go I’m hesitant to release plugins or contribute code.
As to the communication part I think a single place for registering bugs, change requests and ideas would help. These items form the input for a new release. Bugs get the highest priority since you shouldn’t start coding new features if the current code has known bugs.
A process should be in place to decide which changes are made. It would help if there is a roadmap for WP which sets out future plans.
Changes and new features that do not fit the roadmap are rejected. The rest are ranked by voting to decide what will be included.I guess the core team also should have something to say in this, as they can estimate the required resources to implement the changes.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Monthly Archives for Specific CategoriesDon’t know if you still follow this thread, but in case you do, I’ve updated the plug-in and it now supports WordPress 2.3.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: URL handling of archive plus cat parameter changed in 2.3I found that turning of the canonical URL rewriting restores the previous behaviour. But that may have other unwanted side effects.
Another option is to hack canonical.php to let category URL’s pass without change. But I don’t like changing a core WordPress file.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Add an include after <body> with a pluginCreating the plugin is not that difficult and by using the hook wp_head the CSS can be added to the <head>.
The problem is that there is no default hook defined for the beginning of the <body>. And because it is not defined, themes don’t include a call to execute plugins at that point.
That means that for a plugin to add HTML right after <body> you must also change the templates of each theme to include a call to something like:
Here body_start is the name of a new hook you define.
So it can be done with a plugin, but not without changing template files. And that’s just what you didn’t want.
Perhaps someone else with a solution?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: XHTML Failed validation, 959 ErrorsYes, every tag, but also the attributes, like in
<FORM ACTION=”” METHOD=”post” onSubmit=…this should be:
<form action=”” method=post” onsubmit=…Forum: Plugins
In reply to: XHTML Failed validation, 959 ErrorsIf you want it to be XHTML 1.0 Transitional the tags and attributes names must be written lowercase. So <P> is not allowed, but <p> is.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Add an include after <body> with a pluginWhy do you want to use hooks? Can’t you change your templates and put the needed include statements where you want them?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: category tempaltes=different themes for different cats?With category templates you can create pages for categories as different as you want. Sticking to the default files like header.php etc. may be difficult because the HTML must fit in each template.
But you don’t need to split things up that way. I’ve created 3 category pages on my site which each output complete HTML pages. One category for normal blog posts including a linklog on the side, one for a photo log with one photo per page and a category for one specific topic with some different styling.
I did create some reusable parts like a comment form.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: why start content div in header?If the tags are in the header and footer you don’t need to duplicate them in every template file. This makes them easier to find and maintain if a change to the HTML structure of the site is needed.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Front page displays Problem?The homepage usually is index.php in the directory of your theme, yourwordpress/wp-content/themes/yourtheme.
Look for the text the_content() and replace it with the_excerpt().Make sure you edit this file using an ASCII editor, or something like notepad, word processing software may add all kind of characters PHP doesn’t understand.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Yahoo Feed problems with TitleYou say you changed it a few days ago. Perhaps the Yahoo indexer hasn’t visited the new version of the site yet.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Translation (WP, *not* Posts)Did you set the language in wp-config.php and installed the language pack? If not, check the Localization page.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Front page displays Problem?Make sure the theme template uses the_excerpt() function to display the articles instead of the_content().
There are plugins to include php code in posts, like
Exec-PHP. But then you would write the same in a lot of posts.You could create a simple plugin to scan the content for a specific instruction like {rss} and replace that with data from a RSS feed using the fetch_rss function.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Setting up a development environmentFor internal development just pick up the current release, import it into your version control system and develop as you are used to.
If you want to stay compatible with coming releases think about how you will handle changes to core files, or decide to change only themes and plugins.
If you want to be a part of the official WordPress development perhaps the page Using Subversion is a useful starting point.