i love jetpack features, so i was very frustated when it was couldnt connect.. now, with these tips u could solve jetpack error like i did
u must have and install :
1. core control
2. jetpack (latest, i am using jetpack 2.9.3)
3. jetpack lite (not official, with limited feature)
procedure :
1. activate jetpack (official version)
note : till this step, u get error about connection
2. activate core control
3. setting core control, tools>core control>external http access>disable CURL
note : till this step, if u still couldnt connect, go next step below
4. activate jetpack lite (and jetpack official must active too)
note : after click connect, u will go to authorizing page, maybe u could some error, but u could repeat authorizing, and then.. success
note : your jetpack connected, but just has two features
5. u could deactivate jetpack lite
note : so ur jetpack still connected and has complete feature
regard ??