Hi thanks for the response, I have looked at upload.js and I cant work out what I need to do. There is no mention of “medium” anywhere in upload.js or script-loader.php, only full and thumb.
Are these the lines I should focus on?
var display = [];
var checkedDisplay = 'display-title';
if ( 1 == this.currentImage.isImage ) {
checkedDisplay = 'display-full';
if ( this.currentImage.thumb ) {
display.push("<label for='display-thumb'><input type='radio' name='display' id='display-thumb' value='thumb' /> " + this.thumb + "</label>");
checkedDisplay = 'display-thumb';
display.push("<label for='display-full'><input type='radio' name='display' id='display-full' value='full' /> " + this.full + "</label>");
} else if ( this.currentImage.thumb ) {
display.push("<label for='display-thumb'><input type='radio' name='display' id='display-thumb' value='thumb' /> " + this.icon + "</label>");
if ( display.length ) {
display.push("<label for='display-title'><input type='radio' name='display' id='display-title' value='title' /> " + this.title + "</label>");
h += "<tr><th style='padding-bottom:.5em'>" + this.show + "</th><td style='padding-bottom:.5em'>";
jQuery(display).each( function() { h += this; } );
h += "</td></tr>";