Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Remove CPT base] Problem with subfolder installationHi,
first of all – try new version 4.5 – specially for you ??
But now my question:
I’m programmer for more than 10 years, but I’ve never used WP in subfolder.
Why would you do that? What’s the reason or purpose to use subfolder instead of subdomain?
I’m really curious about that. Please reply ??Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP SVG Images] Media library previews don’t workActually newest Elementor 2.6 adds support for SVGs.
Try to investigate settings ??
So when you’re using Elementor, then you don’t need my plugin anymore.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP SVG Images] Media library previews don’t workHello,
I’ve tried to install almost all of these plugins
( some of them are paid, so except them )
Everything works: https://img.kubiq.sk/2019-07-09_20-00-24.png
So there must be a problem in your theme or maybe one of paid plugins
Try to switch to different theme for a moment or disable some plugins so you will see what causes conflict.
Is there something in your debug.log?
Or I recommend to ask your programmer for help.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Better Admin Bar] gap between sticky barsSorry, this is a problem in your theme, so you have to ask your theme developer.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [MouseWheel Smooth Scroll] No Firefox supportHi,
actually I was thinking about it few days ago ??
Ok, I’ve put it there ??
Don’t know why gblazex omitted Firefox…Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Remove CPT base] 4.1 conflict with bbpressyes, you can not have same names, but it shouldn’t happend because there is script resolving names if there is conflict, so that’s very weird
Also try to update to newest version ??Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Remove CPT base] Doesn’t work with hierarchical post typesHi, unfortunately I’m unable to reproduce your problem, but maybe you can send me copy of your test web including DB or give me temporary access so I can find out what’s the problem?
My test web works well with hierarchical CPT: https://wptest.kubiq.sk/epic-movie/test-2-2/
- This reply was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by kubiq.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Better Admin Bar] Bar still showingSorry, I have no idea what you mean…
try to attach some screenshots
but I think that it’s clear from this plugin cover image that it handles WP admin bar and if you see this as logged-out user, then there is something seriously wrong with your web
maybe i can tell you more after you will show some screenshots
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Better Admin Bar] Bar still showingHi,
if your admin bar is showing to non-logged in users then there is something seriously f*cked up in your system. Hire some coder… probably you’ve got hacked or something…
Sorry for bad news :/Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Remove CPT base] Problem with All in one seo?Ahoj,
ja pouzivam Yoast SEO – je to (naj)popularnejsi SEO plugin a tam nie je ziaden problem
Pravdepodobne AIOS nacitava udaje prilis skoro.
Mohol by som skusit upravovat query este v skorsom hooku, ale to som uz davnejsie robil a boli s tym problemy.
Bohuzial toto je asi obmedzenie AIO SEO pluginu, odporucam vyskusat Yoast.Pozriem na to urcite, ale v najblizsich dnoch sa k tomu nedostanem, je to kopec roboty posunut to o par urovni vyssie, lebo testovanie je narocne pre rozne permalinky a nastavenia post typov a taxonomii a ako vravim, pamatam si, ze som to raz skusal a nefungovalo to.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [MouseWheel Smooth Scroll] WordPress 5.2There should be some options for Elementor, if not settings for it, then maybe possibility to turn it on/off? Or nothing?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [MouseWheel Smooth Scroll] Works for keyboard but not mouseMaybe you are on mac and use magic mouse?
In other case there has to be some conflickt with other plugin or your themeForum: Plugins
In reply to: [PNG to JPG] Fatal error on plugin activationI’m sure this has no conflict with my plugin
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [MouseWheel Smooth Scroll] nothing happensForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Better Admin Bar] autohide offset on mobile devicesHello!
In new version it’s fixed for smaller screens.
Hover on touch screen works. Touch it and if there is nothing clickable it will act like hover. If you want to “hover” something clickable, then just touch for 1-2 seconds, then it depend on device, but most devices will trigger hover on longer touch, but some devices will trigger click, so you can try touch for 1-2 seconds and then move a finger a little bit before touchend