We’re going to start with a fresh install on your domain server, and move things over in steps.
Try this:
1) Backup your WordPress site on your desktop.
2) Remove everything from your online domain.
3) Install WordPress on your online domain, using a 1-click install service that is usually provided by your domain host (Bluehost does it for example)
4) Once WP is installed on your online domain, view your site to make sure it shows up (though it will have no content or look like your site yet)
5) If it shows up, now use an FTP program to log into your site online (I use Yummy FTP for MAC) and copy over your theme folder from your desktop backup, into the proper directory on your online website (wp-content/themes/)
6) Now, log into your website online (siteroot/wp-admin) and go to:
Appearance->Themes on the left. There you will activate your theme.
Let me know if any of this helps ??