Cool with less errors :
First page OK, no more 404 but still on the first page of pagination when trying the list. Config :
Permalink slug for pagination : infos
Pagination slug : page
Default query string : page-name=infos
link seems to be correct :
But when cliking … no luck, nothing changes, displaying always the first page of the list
Any idea ?
Second question :
I’ve to list 2 custom post (to be displayed on differents pages). I’ve tried :
Permalink slug for pagination : infos, actualite
Pagination slug : page
Default query string : page-type=infos, page-type=actualite
Same behavior as above for infos. For the second, it makers as no configuration exists (well known ‘actualite-/?page=2’)
Is it possible to manage more than one custom post type with this plug-in ?