Forum Replies Created
In the end I did not use any 3-party-tool.
I handle the import and export with xml’s.
On WP side I use WP-All-Import and WP-All-Export triggered by a cron.
The Abacus side is handled from another company.
We decided to work with exports from last 72 hours changes. So a downtime or a problem should have no affects and could proceed as usual after the issue is fixed.
The project was launched 1 month ago and and work quite well since then.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Post sticks to guest when log in during checkoutI also send this problem to the support of WC Paid Listings.
Thy suggest to “Enable account creation during submission” in their plugin.But this I didn’t like because:
- When a user is still registered and filled in his email, then he get’s a warning (This email is already registered, please choose another one.). He then has to login over the top menu which is a break in the ux.
- I like to allow quests inserts and a login directly inside the process. A login is, as far as I could see, not provided by WC Paid Listings like it is in Woocommerce.
- I also like the idea to show the login in the last step of the process to keep the first form as easy as possible.
The post entry is done with the guest post_author (id=0) before the customer enters the checkout.
If I am right, the checkout is part of WooCommerce.
After the login (or registration), the post is not updated.
And I think this is the main problem.
But is this a issue of woocommerce or should this solved by WC-Paid-Listings?My current workaround is like that:
In file: wp-content\plugins\wp-job-manager-wc-paid-listings\includes\package-functions.php
function wc_paid_listings_approve_listing_with_package(...
I manually set the userif (!empty($user_id)) { $listing[ 'post_author' ] = $user_id; }
I am not happy with this solution because it only works for purchased posts and not for drafts.
Hi @yuvalo
No, not on that Button.The GA Preview shows on Step 2 “Page View”
this 4 fired events:
– Conversion-Verknüpfung / Conversion-Verknüpfung
– Facebook Pixel ID / Benutzerdefiniertes HTML
– Google Analytics – Seitenaufruf / Google Analytics – Universal Analytics
– LinkedIn Insight Tag / LinkedIn InsightOn Step 3 DOM ready and 4 Window Loaded
no fired eventsWhen clicking on the Button we get
5 gtm4wp.formElementEnter
no fired events6 WPGAE
with this fired events:
– Generic Event / Google Analytics – Universal Analytics7 gtm4wp.formElementLeave
no fired eventsThe Event
– LinkedIn Conversion / Benutzerdefiniertes HTML
is never fired.Hi @yuvalo
Thanks for your reply.
There is a tracking event on the Button “SICH JETZT BEWERBEN”.
If the job offer isn’t available any more, choose another one.I have a similar issue with the free version.
When click on a button and the dataLayer.push happens I see the “create command”.
Running command: ga("create", {vtp_doubleClick: false, vtp_setTrackerName: false, vtp_useDebugVersion: false, vtp_fieldsToSet: [{fieldName: "anonymizeIp", value: "true"}, {fieldName: "cookieDomain", value: "auto"}], vtp_useHashAutoLink: false, vtp_decorateFormsAutoLink: false, vtp_enableLinkId: false, vtp_enableEcommerce: false, vtp_trackingId: "UA-xxxxxxxxx-x", vtp_enableUaRlsa: false, vtp_enableUseInternalVersion: false, function: null, instance_name: null}, {name: "gtm5"})
But the Response “Creating new tracker” is missing.On the next commands, a.e.
Running command: ga("gtm5.send", {hitType: "event", eventCategory: "Job Application", eventAction: "Form Opened", eventLabel: "click", eventValue: undefined})
it throws
Command ignored. Unknown target: undefined- This reply was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by krysis163.