Forum Replies Created
OK, so this should be set. Then you must set “option values” and “option names” pairs, divided by | (vertical bar), did you?
I mean the “unique ID”, which is set when you create the field, not the field name.
Most likely you type some “wrong” character. Use only alphanumerics and low caps as ID.
Hi, I am the author of “KC s2M+MC” plugin. Which version you use? In the Pro version you can lock events, means you can stop creating of new member, and still can allow synchronization, if this is what your need.
I see the error (missed table name) but can’t help. Where, in which file this error comes from? Find the file and report to the creator – best way to get support.
Short answer: no way. Paypal will not give you the card’s info, which you need to set them in Strype.
The only possible workaround is to ask (or trick) them to re-subscribe with the new gateway.
@jennaow: The [else] works with Pro version only. To do same in free one you can use two checks:
[s2If something()] Show if YES. [/s2If] [s2If !something()] Show if NO. [/s2If]
Works great for me, everywhere.
Why not ccap?
I would prefer to use a hook which runs after the registration is done, like “user_register”.
You can print the variable with “print_r” PHP command to see what it is inside.
@fsawebmaster: You need not the “classic look”, but the “classic checkout page”. Should be (buried) in Pypal settings at your account.
Try this:
[s2Member-Pro-PayPal-Form level=”1″ ccaps=”” desc=”Retired – No access to Palynology 1 Year: $15.00″ ps=”paypal” lc=”” cc=”USD” dg=”0″ ns=”1″ custom=”” ta=”0″ tp=”0″ tt=”D” ra=”15.00″ rp=”<?php echo $trial_days; ?>” rt=”D” rr=”BN” rrt=”” rra=”2″ accept=”paypal,visa,mastercard,amex,discover,maestro,solo”, accept_via_paypal=”paypal,visa,mastercard,amex,discover,maestro,solo” coupon=”” accept_coupons=”0″ default_country_code=”” captcha=”0″ /]
Difference is in accepted payment methods. Still Paypal may require buyer to create an account.
If this don’t works, you may try to set also Stripe and to accept cards there.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [plugin:s2member pro] Automatic EOT system gets blankTry to find what is “HTTP response code 429”. It may be because of ‘ALTERNATE_WP_CRON’ too. May need to talk with the hosting again.
As developer I would first update all the site before to do any bughunting. Will save tons of time both to me and the client.
Can be done with JS. But at other hand, to “penalise” 95% of users may not be a good idea.
When I see such form, I just copy/paste my email, so this will not works for me. Not sure how many people do same.
Advanced profile: not so easy, but possible. Put on a page the shortcode [s2Member-Profile /], read about it at “Dashboard -> s2M -> General Options -> Member Profile Modifications”. This will be the “member’s account” page with the advanced info. Set all need fields at “Dashboard -> s2M -> General Options -> Registration/Profile Fields & Options”, all “non-required”. Then create a new page with usual “WP registration” form. You show it to the customer. S/he registers and goes to the “member’s account” page with more fields.
As for Podio synchronization, this really needs custom code.