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I can explain shortly, and can do myself, but I have no example… First, in the site where member must be in “listX” (not in the initial “list1”), you must create a plugin or a hack in s2-hacks.php file (look for “payment notification hack” or similar in s2Member forum) to add the customer to the need list. Well, second part is not so easy, you must work with aWeber’s API. This hack/plugin will receive member’s info (ID maybe or all the need info) in the URL as parameters. As result you will have a URL, which you must populate with member’s info at the first site, where member stay in “list1” and must be removed from it. This URL, with need %% tags you must set in “Other notifications” in the first WP site.
Here is how this works: Member is in the first site. Buys the product/level/etc, Paypal confirmed by IPN and s2M fires the URL we set in “Other notifications”. This URL points to the second site, where the user must be in “listX”. It have need info to recognize the user (member of site2 too), and your hack/post adds it to the need list at aWeber.
Hope that helps…In this case you can use “Other notifications” of s2Member to fire a wp-ajax at the other site, to subscribe the user to another list.
You just need some rest… s2Member should move it. At least it do with MailChimp. Well, test… (after the rest ?? )
That is the default behavior of s2M – L0 members are “called” just “Subscriber”, as this is the free level for s2M. Just naming, nothing more…
This may be a custom field (created in Dashboard->s2Member->General->Registration/Profile Fields & Options), type “text”. Members fill it if they join with coupons. You check if it has value (and which, if you need) or not.
@boudewijnl: I know, I did such hacks already. Not so easy, but works.
The problem can be in the theme (not works well with mobile devices) or in exactly devices (can not run JavaScript, for example). Ask these users about details to have more info to think about…
From what you post I see you can use ‘wpbdp_search_where’ and ‘wpbdp_search_query’ filters to modify the search query, means to add need SQL code to restrict search by category or something else. And better use them and create a hack in “mu-plugins” dir, instead to edit core files.
Registration can be locked both in WP and s2M, check in the settings of both.
@colinsp: Seems you can use user’s ID as “membership number”, it’s unique and increases. I would set a hack to the “user_register” and “profile_update” hooks.
Check instructions at Dashboard->s2Member->API/Scripting, it’s easy.
I would use ccaps with “Buy now” buttons.
@hkpresent: Not at all, it was KTS915 who point you to the exactly info, not me ??
Ask him for his affiliate URL, maybe? ??With s2M Pro you can build a “button’s group” with shortcodes, solves your problem completely.