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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [KC S2M+MC] Unexpected Output during activationHi, sorry for delay…
Can you find which URL is not accessible? Also, you meant the free version of the plugin? There is two paid ones too…
Happy Easter!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [KC Tools] What password is being requested?You didn’t install it properly. This is the password you should save in the code. Please read instructions at the site.
You can deactivate s2M on your testing site…
What you show is the meta-name of the field, that you create in “Profile Builder” plugin, not related with s2M. Use it in your custom function to copy the value that user adds, and to do something with it, maybe to create/compare a s2M’s ccap.
It is $wpdb->prefix.”capabilities”, but it’s better to use $user->add_cap(‘access_s2member_ccap_’.$ccap) [and $user->remove_cap(‘access_s2member_ccap_’.$ccap), respectively] to handle them.
Not a “role”, but “level of access”. Yes, possible, needs some scripting with the build-in [s2If conditions].
In “Users” admin page – the will be links at top to see only members in specific level.
“From” can not be 3 addresses, can be just one. The computer is always right…
No idea, try to search in code. I did such things once: at “user_register” I set a wp_cron job to 5 sec later, which reads the user and did something. This way s2M runs and finishes his job before my code to runs. And because wp_cron runs new instance of WP, it reads the final data from user.
Because the actual setting of the role of the new member is done by s2M after the “user_register” hook, so your code runs before s2M’s one, and your changes are overwrited. At your landing page your code runs after s2M’s one, and you see your changes.
Use this:
if(is_plugin_active('s2member/s2member.php')) { # do what is need }
The s2M plugin with custom profile fields will do exactly this.
Out of the topic, better support you can fins at
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Schema] Version generates lots of hits back to the siteNo load over than usual one, thanks Hesham!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Schema] Version generates lots of hits back to the siteI find that there was 20 threads (instances) of httpd process, all they do queries, continuously, repeatedly, almost 48 hours, all started from the site itself (find by IP), site stay on a dedicated server and have all the hardware resources available. No caching plugin on the site, latest WP, child theme of “2010”. No errors, just overload. If needs, I can provide access log. Hope that helps.
Not a big deal. First create a new user in this site. Then turn it to “admin” – search in Google, I saw explanations there.