8 years ago
Hi Collizo4sky
I’ve actually left a message on your website. Let’s chat there.
Hi @wpamrine
How did you turn off smooth scrolling? I am running Zerif Pro in a child theme and I can’t seem to find where to turn it off.
8 years, 8 months ago
Ah sorry, I didn’t see that. That post didn’t come through to my email. Thanks, I’ll look into it.
Thanks for that.
For the time being I’ve hidden the image, but yes, in the future I’d like to change it, preferably so it won’t update when the plugin is updated in the future.
Thanks, we’ll see what happens next time you update the plugin.
How do I find the handle for the stylesheet I need to disable? FYI, it is: /plugins/profilepress/assets/css/flat-ui/css/flat-ui.css?ver=4.5.3
8 years, 9 months ago
Ok, I tried that and it seems to work.
Is there no way though of using it on a custom page?